
By Luis Barrios For several years now, the Ecuadorian prison system has suffered from problems of corruption, overcrowding, violence, and poor infrastructure. While available reports indicate that there have been more than 316 deaths in the nation’s prisons since 2021, no one has yet been held responsible. Some accounts ascribe the violence to wars between groups...
Ecuadorians stood in long lines Tuesday to buy tickets for the first day of commercial services by Quito’s new underground railway system. The Quito Metro subway had been offering free-of-charge test rides for the past four months. On the first day of commercial operations, however, the lack of ticket agents and technical failures in the...
The command of Ecuador’s Armed Forces says it stands ready to implement more forceful measures against drug cartels and the criminal gangs that support them. President Guillermo Lasso said Tuesday, he will issue a decree this week designating criminal organizations as “terrorists,” authorizing the use of lethal force by the military and police against them....
Santiago Peña, Paraguay’s conservative former finance minister, won the Paraguayan presidential election on Sunday, in a victory for the country’s dominant Colorado Party. He beat center-left opposition lawmaker Efraín Alegre by more than 15 points. Peña has pledged to maintain Paraguay’s close relationship with Taiwan, easing concerns that the country could switch its diplomatic alignment to...
By Berkeley Lovelace Eating fewer calories appears to slow the pace of aging and increase longevity in healthy adults, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Nature Aging. The study, which was funded by the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, is the first-ever randomized controlled trial that...
Although the availability of counterfeit consumer goods has plagued Ecuador’s economy for decades, the rapid increase in the availability of fake and adulterated medications is setting off alarm bells at the Ministry of Health. “When you buy smuggled and counterfeit shoes and jeans you are hurting the economy and legitimate retailers but when you buy...
By the iFex Alliance Periodistas Sin Cadenas, Voces del Sur, Red Leal and IFEX-ALC strongly condemn the serious press freedom and freedom of expression violations that have taken place recently in Ecuador. As a result of these violations, two journalists have been forced into exile within the first few months of 2023. Fundamedios has documented...
Argentina’s annual inflation rate soared to 104.3% in March, the official statistics agency said on Friday, one of the highest rates in the world, straining people’s wallets and stoking a cost-of-living crisis that has pushed up poverty. , The inflation reading for the month came in at 7.7%, well above analyst forecasts of 7.1%, marking...
Ten people were killed Saturday night in Guayaquil in what police say was a gunfight between rival gangs. Unlike the attack on a fishing dock last month in Esmeraldas that left nine workers day, police say all the dead in Guayaquil were gang members. According to survivors of the violence on Calle Gómez Rendón in...
By Ellen Ioanes Ecuador’s National Assembly is on the verge of impeaching President Guillermo Lasso, whose administration is mired in allegations of corruption, including ties to organized crime, tax evasion, and corruption in the energy industry. The potential impeachment comes as Ecuador faces increasing levels of violence and inequality under Lasso’s watch, which are arguably...
By Christopher Lux General Villamil Playas — better known simply as Playas — is a small coastal city southwest of Guayaquil known for its fishing industry and seafood. Every morning, small wooden fishing boats leave the shore equipped with coolers for storing their catch. Other boats are more of a raft with four logs tied together and...
By Liam Higgins Ecuador is one of the world’s most seismically active countries. In the last 48 hours from midnight Wednesday to midnight Friday, there were seven earthquakes of 3.5 magnitude or higher and dozens more of 2.0 magnitude or greater. According to Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute, the country has registered 3,433 seismic events of 3.5...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News