
By Liam Higgins Cuenca should expect a new rush of expats in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. That’s the prediction of Jim Taschereau, an international immigration specialist. “Cuenca had its first wave of English-speaking immigrants, mostly from the U.S. and Canada, beginning about 10 years ago and I’m expecting a second wave once the...
By Susanne Rust Six hundred miles west of Ecuador’s coast, the Galapagos Islands are a chain of volcanic islands — some still active — home to some of the world’s richest biodiversity and endemism. Nearly 80% of the species found on the islands aren’t found anywhere else on Earth. Along the rocky outcrops, marine iguanas...
Early exit polls suggest Luis Arce, an ally of former president Evo Morales,might have secured enough support to avoid a runoff vote. Bolivians were voting in a repeat of the 2019 election after which Morales fled. An exit poll in Bolivia’s high stakes presidential election gave socialist candidate Luis Arce the lead he needs to avoid...
National Police announced the arrests Friday of four men they say have participated in armed robberies using motorcycles. The men were stopped in dragnets targeting all motorcyclists at several high-traffic intersections in Cuenca. The men were described as two Ecuadorians and two Venezuelans, all armed with small caliber firearms. According to police, two of the...
By Salvador Estes The use of the U.S. dollar in three Latin American counties, including Ecuador, has produced a mixed bag of results, analysts say. “On balance, you have to say it has been mostly beneficial but there are times, such as now, with the pandemic, where it is a burden,” says Carlos Mora, a...
Bolivia’s leftist presidential candidate Luis Arce has led opinion polls since he was nominated by his Movement for Socialism party in January, but owes his popularity to his mentor, exiled former president Evo Morales. Arce has campaigned on his record as Morales’s economy and finance minister when Bolivia nationalized the gas and oil sectors, increased...
Cuenca, Montevideo, Uruguay, Bogotá, Colombia and Niterói, Brazil were honored Wednesday night at the Latin America Smart Cities Expo in Mérida, Mexico for their efforts to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. The forum highlighted the four cities for their “smart strategies to counteract and mitigate the health, social, and economic effects of the pandemic,” event organizers...
By Andrea Kane Many countries are not doing enough to decrease the common risk factors associated with chronic diseases, leaving populations vulnerable to health emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic — that’s one of the main messages emerging from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease study. Those risk factors include obesity, high blood sugar, high blood...
Jueves, 15/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Casas patrimoniales abren sus puertas a obras de cuencanos (Heritage houses open their doors to works by cuencanos) – There are currently 5 exhibits by Cuencano artists in historic houses. “Gritos inaudibles” by Santiago Guillermo opened yesterday at the Casa de Chaguarchimbana and...
By Christopher Lux Although most Cuenca, Ecuador expats know that the city is the namesake of Cuenca, Spain, few really know much about Spanish Cuenca. Cuenca, Ecuador was named by Andrés Hurtado de Mendoza, a Spanish military commander and the fifth Viceroy of Peru, on April 12, 1557. Hurtado de Mendoza said the barranco area...
An International Monetary Fund official has repeated the “strong suggestion” that Ecuador take immediate steps to increase tax revenues. The comments by Julien Reynaud, IMF representative in Ecuador, followed interviews by new Finance Minister Mauricio Poza in which he said there were no immediate plans to raise the country’s IVA tax (VAT) from 12 percent....
Miércoles, 14/9/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Taller sobre arte musical vía Zoom (Musical art workshop via Zoom) – The Music Department of the U. of Cuenca has organized a free workshop on psychology and musical art which will focus on managing emotions and enhancing musical skills. The classes which...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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