
By Julio Musto An unexpectedly positive turn for Brazilian cities once plagued with the coronavirus pandemic is raising fresh questions about herd immunity. A new report in the Washington Post described how the impoverished city of Manaus saw hospitalizations plummet even though it had never imposed a lockdown or taken the other drastic containment measures...
Facing angry reaction from some local officials and health experts, the government defended its decision Wednesday to end the national health emergency on September 12. “We are following the direction of the Constitutional Court and understand the need to restore the civil rights that have been suspended for more than five months,” Interior Minister Maria...
Colombia’s government said on Monday it will resume the controversial practice of aerial spraying of coca plantations following a spike in gang-related violence. Colombia’s is the world’s biggest producer of cocaine, the raw material of which is coca leaves. It stopped aerial spraying in 2015 over health concerns and pressure from Ecuador but has long...
By Miriam Drake It’s not morbid, it’s practical! Have you told your loved ones how you want to be cared for at the end of your life? Are you content and peaceful inside with respect to all of your relationships? Have you told these folks everything you want them to know before you leave this...
By Ben Bartenstein The Trump administration is calling on the International Monetary Fund to proceed with a new loan program for Ecuador, paving the way for the nation to complete its debt accord with bondholders. The current deadline for Ecuador to restructure $17.4 billion of notes comes due Sept. 1 and is contingent upon the...
Julio César Mora and Waldramina Maclovia have been married for 79 years and Julio says he’s enjoyed almost every day of it. “There are a few days I would like to forget but there aren’t many,” he adds. In June, the couple was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s...
The early curfews and restrictions on liquor sales imposed at the end of July will end Monday, the national Emergency Operations Committee decided on Tuesday. For Cuenca and other communities in yellow light health emergency status, the curfew returns to a 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. schedule. Restrictions on weekend liquor sales will also be...
By María Ramírez At first, the Spanish government was slow to respond to the coronavirus, and certainly underestimated the weak and risky position of the country — with its decentralized, underfunded health system, its aging population and its flows of international visitors. But as covid-19 tightened its deadly grip on the country, the government imposed...
The number of deaths of retired members of the Social Security system (IESS) has more than doubled in 2020 since the same period in 2019. According to records released Saturday, 14,304 members died between January and July 2020 compared to 6,910 in 2019. Although some retiree organizations say that the increase is the result of...
By Stuart Braun Back in 1970, the earth’s biocapacity was more than enough to meet annual human demand for resources. But in the half century since, we have steadily outgrown our single planet. Humanity now consumes around 60% more than Earth can yield in a year, meaning we need 1.6 planets to sustain us. In...
By David Agren While touring southern Chiapas state last month, Mexico’s coronavirus czar took aim at a vice he considers culpable for the country’s pandemic problems: rampant soda consumption. Health Undersecretary Hugo López-Gatell tried to connect soda consumption with Covid-19 deaths, blaming sugar for causing comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension – maladies common in Mexico, where...
The Cuenca Emergency Operations Committee decided Friday that it will not participate in a pilot project to allow person-to-person public and private school classes. The program is being pushed by the national government but the local COE says that current Covid-19 circumstances do not allow it. The COE announced that the Cuenca canton will maintain...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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