
A former consul at Ecuador’s London embassy claims that he and other officials were victims of espionage by the Spanish company hired to provide embassy security. Although the primary spy target was WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who had been granted asylum at the embassy, Fidel Narváez says that the embassy staff was also targeted for...
Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno reported on Saturday that he has requested meetings with Pacific Ocean coastal nations to seek a regional stance in the face of the threat of international fishing fleets. He said that the Exclusive Economic Zone around the Galapagos Marine Reserve “is not only one of the richest fishing areas but also...
Union groups, indigenous organizations and some local governments are urging President Lenin Moreno to impose a two-week nationwide lockdown to slow the spread of Covid-19. In a letter to the president, the Workers Front United, mayors of seven cantons and four other groups demanded a meeting to discuss what they called the nation’s “failed attempt...
By Tim Lister Even as coronavirus cases soar in Latin America, another calamity looms: Sharply contracting economies, unsustainable debt and deepening inequality could unleash social turmoil in the region.The regional economy of Latin America and the Caribbean is expected to shrink more than any other region worldwide — a contraction of nearly 10% this year,...
By Miriam Drake During your residency in Cuenca, there will be times when you are sick for a day or two. It could happen that you are ill for a longer period of time or your illness is so severe that you can’t get out of bed, walk down the hallway, prepare something to eat,...
In the weeks since Panama loosened restrictions in an attempt to gradually reactivate its economy, new coronavirus infections have surged, especially in the densely populated poorer neighborhoods of its capital. Since late March, Panama had managed to maintain its daily new infections below 200 with a strict lockdown. But this month those numbers have nearly...
The city of Cuenca and public bus owners have agreed to use the same Mobilize transit card for both the tram and buses. The agreement paves the way for full integration of the two systems, with buses providing a “feeder” service for the train. “This is an important first step to fully coordinate the bus...
By Cristina Medina A recent study led by the World Bank estimates that Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Ecuador, most of them highly educated young people, could raise the country’s GDP by up to 2 percent if they have access to jobs and income that correspond to their educational level. “Challenges and Opportunities of Venezuelan...
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced a $1 billion loan to Latin America and the Caribbean for Covid-19 vaccine access during a virtual gathering with his Latin American counterparts on Wednesday, according to a statement released by the Mexican Foreign Affairs Ministry. “China’s Foreign Minister said that the vaccine developed in his country will be...
Ecuador is monitoring a large fleet of fishing vessels, most of them Chinese, off the Galapagos Islands protected waters area and has increased patrolling to ensure the ships do not enter the area of the ecologically sensitive islands, Defense Minister Oswaldo Jarrín said on Thursday. Chinese fishing vessels appear each year near the Galapagos, attracted...
Jueves, 23/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Ética y confianza, mensaje de Muñoz (Ethics and trust, message from Muñoz) – María Alejandra Muñoz was sworn in as Vice President yesterday. She was sworn in with only 30 people in attendance in the Assembly chambers including her family and various...
The national Emergency Operations Committee (COE) has extended the nightly curfew and prohibited public gatherings of more than 25 people in 14 of Ecuador’s 24 provinces. Beginning Thursday, the curfew begins at 9 p.m. instead of 11 p.m. in 10 sierra provinces and 4 coastal and Amazon provinces. Interior Minister María Paula Romo said the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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