
Miércoles, 22/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Integración no se ata a voluntades (Integration is not tied to wills) – The city debates how the Tranvía and buses will be integrated today. This weekend, after a 60 day test, the Tranvía will start operating commercially but as of today,...
Latam-Ecuador will resume service between Quito and Guayaquil and the Galapagos on August 3, offering two flights a week. They will be the first commercial flights to the islands since March 16 when the Covid-19 health emergency was declared. “We are beginning small but hope to return to 100% of the frequencies we operated prior...
Martes, 21/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Colapsa vía a Mazar (Road to Mazar collapses) – A stretch of the via Matrama-Mazar at the San Pedro community in the Pindilig parish in Azogues collapsed last sábado, leaving 3 houses at risk. The 14 members of 3 the families were...
The Covid-19 pandemic is showing “no signs of slowing down” in the Americas, the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) director said on Tuesday, with the virus landing in Guianese shield countries on the continent`s northeastern coast. Carissa Etienne told a virtual briefing from PAHO’s Washington headquarters that some Central American nations were seeing their highest...
Ecuador’s National Electoral council decided Sunday to suspend four political organizations, including the Fuerza Compromiso Social party of former president Rafael Correa. The registrations for Podemos, Fuerza Compromiso Social (FCS), Libertad es Pueblo and Justicia Social were left “without effect,” the CNE said after a virtual meeting, which means the parties will be unable to...
The National Court of Justice on Monday dismissed an appeal of former president Rafael Correa’s conviction in the so-called Sobornos [Bribes] 2012-2016 case. Correa’s defense team is expected to file a final appeal before he is ordered to begin an eight-year prison term. The court’s decision was announced in a virtual hearing that included appeals...
Within a matter of days, it appears that Quito will pass Guayaquil in total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases. On Monday, Quito registered 10,599 cases while the Guayaquil total stood at 11,640. From the end of April to July 20, Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos said that the daily demand for intensive care hospital beds...
Lunes, 20/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – From el periodico del sábado – Drive in theater – The parking lot of the Hotel Oro Verde will become a drive in theater el próximo 31/7. The hotel joined with a company that provided technical support, and the autocine has been approved...
The commercial operation of the Cuenca tramway begins next week without a payment system that integrates it with the city’s bus system. Officials say the lack of a unified system is the result of a disagreement between bus owners and the city about how to collect fares. The city insists that payments be made through...
Ecuador’s National Assembly has named María Alejandra Muñoz to replace Otto Sonnenholzner as vice president. Sonnenholzner resigned two weeks ago and is considering running for president in the February 2021 election. In the Assembly vote, Muñoz beat out interior minister María Paula Romo, who has been highly visible during the country’s fight against the Covid-19...
By Miriam Drake When you are not feeling well and need medical attention in Ecuador, it’s probably not the best time to learn how to use IESS or the private healthcare systems here. There are good doctors in the IESS system, but you need to know who they are and how to get to them....
By David Neald A massive new study has found evidence that blood iron levels could play a role in influencing how long you live. It’s always important to take longevity studies with a big grain of salt, but the new research is impressive in its breadth, covering genetic information from well over 1 million people...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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