
By George Q. Daley The covid-19 pandemic is sowing death, suffering and economic devastation across the world. Containing its deadly march will require answers to many questions, most of which we are only beginning to chip away at. Among the most critical: How many people have been infected, and how many are going to die?...
Deputy Minister of Health Xavier Solórzano is warning older residents to take extra precautions against the Covid-19 infection. “I cannot overstate the importance that older Ecuadorians, especially those with chronic diseases, do everything possible to protect themselves from the coronavirus,” he said. Of the 871 confirmed Covid-19 deaths in Ecuador, 718 are of those 50...
Martes, 28/4/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Alianza Francesa – The Alianza Francesa has complete concerts on its YouTube site with pop, jazz, electronic, rap and reggae performances. Go to Cine – “We Are One: A Global Film Festival” will be on YouTube from 27/5 to 7/6. The films...
Lockdowns around Latin America are helping slow the spread of COVID-19, but are having a darker and less-intended consequence: a spike in calls to helplines suggests a rise in domestic abuse, in a region where almost 20 million women and girls suffer sexual and physical violence each year. In cities from Buenos Aires to Mexico...
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) warned Sunday that protests against government policies are under “serious consideration.” In particular, Conaie objects to the elimination of fuel subsidies and new taxes proposed by President Lenin Moreno. “We have been ignored in our requests that the government refrain from instituting economic measures that jeopardize the...
Lunes, 27/4/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Azuay se niega a dejar aislamiento (Azuay refuses to leave isolation) – See Saturday’s CHL for story. Trueque (barter) – The city governments of Sígsig in Azuay and Gualquiza in Morona Santiago completed their 2nd exchange in the “Tureque Solidario” project. The...
By Vinay Prasad and Jeffrey S. Flier When major decisions must be made amid high scientific uncertainty, as is the case with Covid-19, we can’t afford to silence or demonize professional colleagues with heterodox views. Even worse, we can’t allow questions of science, medicine, and public health to become captives of tribalized politics. Today, more...
Argentina has banned until September ticket sales for commercial flights, according to a  a new measure the government says is part of its coronavirus response. In effect, the move means air travel will not resume in the country until September. The decision, announced on Monday, could have an impact on when other Latin American countries...
More than 60 percent of Ecuadorians will be infected by the Covid-19 virus within 120 days, according to Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos. By October or November, he says, the total will reach 80 percent. “These numbers are not meant to shock anyone but to provide a realistic view of what to expect as the...
By Stephy Chung As the world grapples with unprecedented lockdown measures, Ai Weiwei finds himself in familiar territory. The outspoken artist spent nearly three months in a tiny room while detained by authorities in China in 2011. He was later accused of tax evasion, a charge widely interpreted as punishment for his political activism. Following...
The Cuenca municipal council has petitioned the government to maintain all Covid-19 health emergency restrictions in the city for the foreseeable future. Mayor Pedro Palacios agrees. “May 4 is too early to make any changes based on current conditions,” he said in response to the government’s plan to relax some rules beginning next week. Nine...
President Lenin Moreno’s six-minute address to the nation Friday night provided a broad outline of the government’s plan to relax coronavirus health emergency restrtictions but offered few details beyond those provided earlier in the day by Interior Minister Maria Romo. “We will move slowly and deliberately to reopen society beginning May 4 but it is...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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