
Ecuadorians own fewer guns per capita than their counterparts in any other Latin American country. According to a survey by the Swiss Small Arms Project, private gun ownership in Ecuador is 2.4 per 100 inhabitants. Two other surveys, by Insight Crime and Wise Voter, put the number slightly higher, at 2.6 and 2.7 per 100....
Ecuador’s Risk Management Secretariat (SGR) has upgraded the landslide risk in ​​La Cría from yellow to orange, as cracks in the ground continue to expand. While the yellow designation indicates “serious risk” and urges evacuation, the yellow alert indicates a landslide is imminent. SGR said the change in designation was the result of heavy rains...
By Garry Vatcher On Wednesday, Hogar de Esperanza brought your donations to Alausí, scene of the devastating March 26 landslide. As you make the last U-curve before the descent into the valley, the devastation becomes clear. The bare mountainside looms over the town as a poignant reminder that 67 families lost everything. There is a...
By Liz Briceño Pazmiño Migration is like knitting: two brackets bind the wool together, and a fabric is built. In the same way, Ida Sandrea, 53 years old, decided two years ago to knit her Venezuelan roots and those of her new home, Ecuador. She and her daughter Andrea Estrella climbed into a truck full...
Alausí Mayor Rodrigo Rea was attacked Tuesday night following a meeting at the city auditorium before police were able to move him to safety. “There is no justification for this and we briefly detained one man who hit the mayor,” National Police captain Roberto Ramos said. “We understand the frustration and grief people are feeling,...
Miércoles, 5/4/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Una tertulia sobre sabores de Ecuador y México (A gathering on the flavors of Ecuador and Mexico) – Culinary researcher Nydia Vázquez and the founder of El Pedregal Azteca, Juan Manuel Ramos, held a “Tertulia Gastronómica” that ended today at 19:00 in El Pedregal Azteca (Estévez de Toral...
By Amanda Ruggeri Like many of us, I spend too much time on my phone. And, like many of us, I am acutely aware of – and often feel guilty about it. Sometimes, I’ll leave it at the other end of the house, or turn it off, to use it less. But, sooner than I’d...
The beginning of the impeachment trial of President Guillermo Lasso could be delayed because of disagreements among National Assembly members defining the charges against him. President of the Oversight Commission Fernando Villavicencio insists that members should follow the directive of the Constitutional Court in presenting allegations to the full Assembly. “The court instructed us that...
By Will Freeman and Beatriz Rey Thirty years ago, Latin America’s nascent democracies did what had once seemed impossible: They confined the militaries that had regularly overthrown them to their barracks. But now presidents from Mexico to Brazil are coaxing the generals back out — and undermining their democracies in the process. By invitation of...
By Michael Weissenstein and Gonzalo Solano Kléver Ortega and Cristina Lema had a good life until Covid-19 crippled Ecuador’s economy. Ortega was a house-painting contractor and there was work until demand dried up in the pandemic. The entrepreneurial couple launched a pair of food stands. “Then the pandemic hit those, too,” Lema said. With unemployment,...
President Guillermo Lasso’s authorization of civilian possession and carrying of firearms drew widespread condemnation Monday although several organizations praised it. Critics said the new rule will lead to increased violence while others called it a “political stunt” that will have minimal impact. In his Sunday night announcement, Lasso said private citizens should have the right...
Lunes, 3/4/2023 Hola, Todos – Sorry, but something went wrong with the formatting and the 5 articles from Sat & Sun’s paper that I stayed up to 10:30 to translate all disappeared. And I’m not going to translate them all over again. So this will be a short issue. Actividades – Titular – Semana Santa,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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