
Ecuador’s plastic bag tax takes effect April 1 despite lobbying efforts to push back the start date. Under a law passed late last year, single-use plastic bags will be taxed four cents each. “This is Ecuador’s first step to eliminate non-recyclable plastics and to protect our environment that suffers from plastic pollution,” says Environmental Minister...
Hundreds of holiday swimmers were forced out of the water Monday in Salinas as a torrent of foul-smelling water poured into the ocean, the result of heavy rains that fell over much of the country on the first day of Carnaval. The rains triggered landslides west of Cuenca and Quito, forcing road crews to work...
By Deborah DuBoff Auki Tituaña was elected as mayor of Cotacachi in 2019.  The alcalde cordially invited me to his offices at city hall to share his plans for his administration. He is a soft spoken man and I was impressed with his amiable nature and the thoughtful consideration he gave to my questions. I...
By Matthew Peter Casey Peru’s Jan. 26 special election was exceptional. Not only did voters elected 130 new legislators, replacing their entire Congress; they also brought into the fold a messianic religious group called the Israelites of the New Universal Pact. After 40 years of failing to qualify for a national election, the political party of...
With new outbreaks of the coronavirus in Europe, the Middle East and Korea, Ecuador officials say they are preparing for a “worst case scenario.” On Monday morning, the World Health Organization said that the pandemic appeared poised for “an explosion” of new cases. Ecuador Minister of Health Catalina Andramuño said she is calling meetings with...
Azuay Province Prefect Yaku Pérez vowed to continue his fight against mining following the rejection by Ecuador’s Constitutional Court to allow a referendum to end mining in Azuay Province. By a six to two vote, the judges ruled that the petition did meet the constitutional requirements to allow a public vote on the issue. “It’s...
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru will begin removing international roaming rates in voice and data communications as part of an initiative to boost integration and modernization between the Community of Andean Nations (CAN), the block’s secretary said Wednesday. The announcement came at the 50th-anniversary celebration of the organization, which promotes social and economic cooperation between...
Officials at the Turi prison are being tight-lipped following the hanging deaths of six inmates Thursday morning. After first saying it appeared the deaths were suicides, they later conceded that revenge could be a factor but refused further comment pending an investigation. The victims were found suspended from rafters in their cells just before noon...
Jueves, 20/2/2020 Hola, Todos – I will be taking a break until martes, 3/3. Even volunteers need an occasional vacation. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Feria en CEMUART – The 80 craftspeople that are part of the crafts center, CEMUART launched an “Expo Carnaval” Thursday with the Taita Carnaval which included a free...
Thieves love Carnaval. That’s the message the National Police want to send to everyone planning to attend events during the five-day holiday, particularly to tourists and foreign residents. “Carnaval is the most lucrative time of year for thieves, particularly for pick-pockets,” says Alex Fuentes, a captain in the Cuenca district police command. “With all the...
Carnaval in Cuenca gets underway tonight with the Compadres and Comadres celebration in San Francisco Plaza. The action begins at 6 with food, dance and music honoring the city’s ancient and modern traditions. Later, the plaza and nearby Parque Calderon will erupt in mass foam fights as celebrants attack each other with aerosol foam cannisters....
A naked 28-year-old man paraded down Calle Hermano Miguel Wednesday morning, waving and throwing kisses to residents and passersby before municipal police arrived to take him into custody. According to social media reports, the man performed for more than an hour near the intersection with Simon Bolivar before he was apprehended at about 8:30. “It...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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Tosa Blue Mountain News