Naked man alarms and entertains El Centro residents before police take him away

Feb 20, 2020 | 0 comments

A naked 28-year-old man paraded down Calle Hermano Miguel Wednesday morning, waving and throwing kisses to residents and passersby before municipal police arrived to take him into custody. According to social media reports, the man performed for more than an hour near the intersection with Simon Bolivar before he was apprehended at about 8:30.

A naked man was arrested Wednesday morning at the intersection of Simon Bolivar and Padre Aguirre. (El Mercurio)

“It appeared that the man was under the influence of a psychotropic substance when we arrived,” said Captain Paúl Delgado, chief of the Cuenca Citizen Guard. “He was very cordial when we put him in handcuffs and took him away but it is illegal to be naked in public areas of the city. It is considered an immoral act.” According to Delgado, the man carried his clothes in a plastic bag and put them on once he was in custody.

One social media video showed the man walking down the center of Hermano Miguel from the 9 de Octubre market to Simon Bolivar. “He was singing most of the way and seemed to have a good acapella voice,” one WhatsApp user reported. “He was smiling and waving and seemed to be very friendly. I believe he was getting ready for Carnaval.”

After his apprehension, the man was turned over to the Directorate of Social Development which said it would provide the necessary services to put him back on the street fully clothed.


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