
The flow of Venezuelans crossing the Colombian border into Ecuador has gone from a veritable deluge to a trickle since the government began requiring visas in August. “We were required to limit the number entering the country for the welfare of both Ecuadorians and Venezuelans,” says Juan Sebastián Roldán, personal secretary to President Lenin Moreno....
By Steve Hanke The real problem that plagues most Latin American countries — and a contributing cause of the current political unrest —  is the fact that they have central banks that issue half-baked local currencies. Although widespread today, central banks are relatively new institutional arrangements. In 1900, there were only 18 central banks in...
By Valerie Volcovici Latin American countries have set a collective target of 70% renewable energy use by 2030, more than double what the European Union is planning. Colombia, representing the pledges from eight Latin American countries, presented the target at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, where world leaders were asked to deliver concrete proposals...
By Julia Buckley Picture the scene. You’re on vacation. You’ve had a slow morning wandering round, a long lunch and a stroll around the city. You realize you’re near that gallery you’ve been meaning to visit — so you walk over. Even five years ago, you could probably have sauntered in unless it was a...
Proposals to turn the economy around are headed for failure, according to an organization representing Ecuador’s largest businesses. “We were hoping for measures that would encourage investment and lead to higher employment,” says Patricio Alarcón, president of the Ecuadorian Business Committee. “What we are getting is a program that increases taxes and discourages growth.” Although...
The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights believes that Ecuadorian government fiscal austerity measures will have a “disproportionate impact” on the country’s poor population. The committee also criticized the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for asking for deep cuts to some public services in exchange for providing loans. “Following our evaluation, we are...
The Azuay Province Prosecutor’s Office is investigating five cases of alleged police brutality during the protests earlier this month. All five incidents under review occurred during confrontations between police and protesters in Cuenca’s historic district. Most of the cases are the result of photos and video posted on social media and may have involved an...
Argentine President Mauricio Macri conceded defeat to his center-left rival Alberto Fernandez late Sunday after the first round of voting in the country’s closely fought election. Voters turned out in numbers to reject the austerity measures introduced by Macri as the country attempts to dig itself out of a deep economic crisis. Inflation has ballooned...
By Mitra Taj and Daniel Ramos Bolivian President Evo Morales on Saturday vowed to hold a run-off election if fraud is found in a vote count that gave him an outright win, but warned his rural base would siege cities if they keep protesting his disputed re-election to a fourth term. Morales has faced nearly...
By Ashley Rogers If you’ve been keeping an eye on the revival and renaissance of real estate in downtown Cuenca, you may have heard of ISAM (Inmobiliaria San Alberto Magno.) If you haven’t, you’re invited to get an up close and personal tour of this award-winning development company’s latest project — Casas del Ciprés –...
The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology says the “atmospheric conveyor belt” bringing heavy rain from the Amazon to Ecuador’s mountain region will remain in place through the weekend. “The amount of rain we are receiving is unseasonable but we see it continuing in the coming days,” the institute said Friday in a Facebook post....
As a traveler in the “developing world” one is reminded almost daily of poverty. The tired face of hunger, the plight of refugees and the limited prospects for the disabled are impossible to ignore or wish away. Ironically, one can observe similar misery in the so-called “developed world” where addiction, gentrification, mental illness and lack...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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