
Lunes, 30/9/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Exposición – “A poder de la boca,” (To the power of the mouth) a showing of paintings by Santiago Guillermo and 19 of his students is showing in the gallery of the Empresa Municipal de Desarrollo Económico (EDEC EP). The show title refers...
A Spanish private security firm, which is under investigation in Madrid, spied on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on behalf of the CIA while he was inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, the Spanish daily El Pais reported Friday. Citing unspecified documents and statements, the paper said Undercover Global Ltd, which was responsible for security at...
Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner says that there are “difficult times ahead” for Ecuador’s economy and asks citizens for their understanding as the government introduces stringent new measures to meet public obligations and to reduce the national debt. “Despite the efforts of the past two years, Ecuador’s economic problems remain unresolved and next week we will...
Marching to the strains of “We are the champions” by Queen, the Cuenca Lionesses took a victory lap around the track at Alejandro Serrano Aguilar stadium Saturday night following their 2-0 win over the Quito Ñañas. With the victory, Cuenca was crowned national champions in the inaugural season of Ecuador’s women’s football Super League. The...
Editor’s note: This is the last of an eight-part series about the climate and biodiversity crises. John Keeble is a former Guardian and London Evening News journalist. He is part of Cuenca’s thriving hiking, cycling and writing communities. You can download free his latest novel, Beyond Extinction, via To read part one of the...
Scientists with the United Nations Wednesday released their most alarming report yet on climate change. Oceans are warming, sea levels are rising and polar ice is melting — all of that is accelerating because of increasing carbon dioxide levels. The effects have been seen in more intense storms and floods. Fish populations and dropping and...
Formed just six months ago, the Cuenca Lionesses hope to do something tonight the Cuenca men’s football team hasn’t done in 15 years: win a national championship. The team is also likely to do something else the men rarely do: fill Alejandro Serrano stadium with fans. With a 24 – 1 record in the first...
Viernes, 27/9/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Teatro – “Papakuna – Agrotreatro Cómico Musical, a comedic history of the potato, will be presented Friday in the teatro Pumapungo. The play developed in parallel with extensive research and points out the alarming loss of native seeds and agricultural biodiversity in general....
Editor’s note: This is the seventh of an eight-part series about the climate and biodiversity crises. John Keeble is a former Guardian and London Evening News journalist. He is part of Cuenca’s thriving hiking, cycling and writing communities. You can download free his latest novel, Beyond Extinction, via To read part one of the...
By R.S. Gompertz The town of Puno, Peru is perched at 3,800 meters (12,500 feet) and is shaped like a steep funnel that drains into Lake Titicaca. In early February, mid-summer in the Andes, an ancient, pre-Columbian festival takes place to honor Pachamama, the earth mother, goddess of time, nature and fertility to people of...
Delta Air Lines said on Thursday it is buying a 20% stake in Latam Airlines Group for $1.9 billion, creating a major new airline partnership and ending the Chilean carrier’s ties with American Airlines. The surprise deal with Latin America’s largest carrier will give Delta a much bigger footprint in the region, a key growth...
When the day comes when the government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro collapses into chaos, the U.S. humanitarian aid agency has a plan to step into the breach. USAID Administrator Mark Green told McClatchy in an interview on Wednesday that the agency has been “scenario planning” for Maduro’s departure, researching the logistical challenges that will...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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Puerto Cayo Property News

Amazon eco lodge News

Tosa Blue Mountain News

Fund Grace News