
Jueves, 17/10/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – El Mercurio Anniversary show – The newspaper will be 95 on 22/10 and there will be a celebratory show el viernes, 18/10 a las 20:00 in the teatro Pumapungo. The invitation will serve as your ticket. <I don’t know how you rate an...
Ecuador’s ECU911 emergency response system suffered extensive damage to its technical equipment during the anti-government protests from October 3 to 13. According to Juan Zapata, ECU911 director, 80 cameras were destroyed nationwide during the period. In addition to the cameras, dozens of control boxes and wiring panels were damaged or destroyed and two ECU911 monitoring...
Miércoles, 16/10/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Revista – El Observador magazine, ed. 113, is now in circulation. The theme is the fires in the Amazonia, environmental havoc, and effects on the people who live in the Amazon. Del cuerpo del periodico – 167th Anniversary of El Valle – The...
National Assemblyman Fabricio Villamar is asking the attorney general’s office to investigate Azuay Prefect Yaku Pérez for the crime of rebellion which is punishable for up to 10 years in prison. Villamar, a member of the conservative Ahora Movement, says Pérez participated in last Friday’s occupation the National Assembly building that resulted in thousands of...
Clashes between protesters and police erupted in Barcelona late Tuesday following peaceful demonstrations over the jailing of nine Catalan separatist leaders descended into running battles. Police say the protests were intensifying early Wednesday. Protesters lit fires and erected makeshift barricades in the center of the city before the crowd was dispersed by baton charges by...
By C.N.V. and L.E.S. On October 2, Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno announced an economic decree that brought the country to a social and economic crisis. In March of this year, Moreno reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that required him to cut government spending, among other IMF conditions, in order to receive...
The Ecuador Ombudsman’s Office reported Monday that eight people lost their lives during the 12-day national strike and 1,340 required medical assistance for injuries. It also reports that 1,192 were arrested during the protests. On Tuesday, Interior Minister María Paula Romo released another set of figures showing that six had died and 1,507 had been...
Regional LP gas distributor AustroGas says it could be several more days before its contractors can resume their normal home delivery routes. On Monday, following the agreement of the government and indigenous groups to end the 12-day national strike, AustroGas predicted that home delivery would resume as early as Tuesday or Wednesday. According to National...
Martes, 15/10/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Breast cancer campaign – SOLCA is mounting a campaign to bring free medical attention to women. It will be mañana, el jueves, y el viernes from 10:00 in the Mall del Rió parking lot. SOLCA has a mobile unit capable of doing mammograms....
The barricades around Parque Calderon were pushed aside early Monday morning and, for the first time in almost two weeks pedestrian and vehicular traffic moved freely around the park. “We are once again resuming our normal lives,” Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios said in a Monday afternoon interview. “We suffered a painful disruption and look forward...
The government says it knows who is responsible for the violence that resulted in several deaths and hundreds of injuries during last weekend’s indigenous protests in Quito: They are the followers of former president Rafael Correa. On Monday, National Police made four arrests of members of Correa’s Citizen’s Revolution, including the prefect of Pichincha Province,...
Lunes, 14/10/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Festival de Artesanías – The Inauguration of the XVII edition of CIDAP’s Festival of American Crafts will be el 31/10 with the opening of the Mexican pavillion. Mexico is this year’s featured country. The number of proposals for inclusion in the International Pavillion...

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Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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