
By Marc Andreessen Fears about new technology replacing human labor and causing overall unemployment have raged across industrialized societies for hundreds of years, despite a nearly continual rise in both jobs and wages in capitalist economies. The jobs apocalypse is always right around the corner; just ask the Luddites. We had two such anti-technology jobs...
Lunes, 6/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Lasso usa estrategia de defensa (Lasso usa estrategia de defensa) – Too complicated for me. Cuenca – Mujeres luchan contra las barreras en política (Women fight against barriers in politics) – There have been advances in women’s participation in Ecuadorian politics, but they still haven’t reached...
By Jancee Dunn Last year, my husband Tom received this memorable text from his father: “FYI, getting brain surgery tomorrow. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” This was the first we had heard about his brain surgery. When Tom phoned his dad and asked why he wasn’t told sooner, my father-in-law had a clear explanation: He’d...
By Stephen Vargha Expats who have lived in Cuenca for several years are telling Kelbert Bortone, “Welcome home.” “People were very happy when they found out I had opened a restaurant,” said Bortone. “It’s so good to see my friends again.” Bortone is talking about Nómadas Bistró, which opened on Calle Larga at Padre Aguirre...
The National Assembly voted 104 to 18 Saturday to approve the report by the special commission investigating government corruption in the so-called “Gran Padrino” case. In the report, the commission recommends the impeachment of President Guillermo Lasso. According to the Assembly Parliamentarian, several steps are required for an impeachment trial to begin. First, 46 Assembly...
By Natalia Favre Cuba is experiencing a mass exodus. A political and economic crisis further worsened by the impact of the Covid pandemic has left many Cubans feeling that they have no option but to leave their homeland to search for better opportunities abroad. Young Cubans, and young professionals in particular, are emigrating in droves....
By Tom Larsen What is Transferencia? Transferencia: Impressions of Our City, is the brainchild of Janda Grove, a North American artist now living in Cuenca. The project began in May of 2022. As Janda wandered and explored her adopted hometown, she decided she wanted to use her art to display and celebrate its cultural and...
Viernes, 3/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Mes de la francofonía en la Alianza (Francophone Month at the Alianza) – The Alianza Francesa de Cuenca has prepared a series of activities for the month of marzo including concerts, an exhibit, and workshops. There was a concert today (viernes). On el 9/3, the exhibit “Kubini: cómics...
Ecuador’s prosecutor’s office on Friday requested former president Lenin Moreno be placed under house arrest for allegedly receiving bribes from a Chinese firm in exchange for a contract to build the country’s largest hydroelectric dam. Moreno, who was president from 2017 to 2021, and 36 others are suspected of receiving about $76 million in bribes,...
Calling the work of the National Assembly commission that  recommended the impeachment of President Guilllermo Lasso a “fantasy and a fable,” Government Minister Henry Cucalón said Thursday the president has no intention of resigning. “Their report is 221 pages of pure trash,” Cucalón said in an interview. “It produces neither heads nor tails and is...
Leaders of the March 8 International Women’s Day activities said Thursday that their planned protests are not the beginning of a national mobilization. “There have been suggestions that this will be an anti-government strike similar to the one in June 2022 and this is not true,” said Micaela Camacho, representative of the Womens Transfeminist Assembly....
By Adam Satariano and Paul Mozur In one video, a news anchor with perfectly combed dark hair and a stubbly beard outlined what he saw as the United States’ shameful lack of action against gun violence. In another video, a female news anchor heralded China’s role in geopolitical relations at an international summit meeting. But...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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