
A proposal to decriminalization abortion in cases of rape or incest was voted down Tuesday night by Ecuador’s National Assembly. The measure fell five votes short of passage as six legislators abstained. During the same session, the Assembly overwhelming approved the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, stiffened penalties for a variety of crimes and...
Martes, 17/9/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Painting at mercado 10 de Agosto – French artist The Semor <The must be a name and not a “title” like “The” One and Only or the “It” Girl.> is painting a 56 m. sq. mural of La Inmaculada cathedral (new cathedral) on...
Two expat researchers will share their observations on the integration — or the lack thereof — of North Americans into Cuencano culture Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Saladentro Cultural Center on Paseo Tres de Noviembre. In the first of an ongoing series of intercultural conversations, clinical psychologist Anna Rayne Levi and international researcher and...
Colombia will increase protection for political candidates running in October’s local and regional elections after the murders of seven aspirants, President Ivan Duque said on Monday. The killings have sparked renewed calls for more to be done to prevent political violence in the country, where hundreds of community leaders and human rights activists have also...
The National Assembly will vote today on key changes to Ecuador’s criminal code, including proposals that would legalize abortion in the case of rape or incest and allow the possession of marijuana for medical purposes. Other changes would give police more arrest and search and seizure authority. The abortion issue has dominated discussion in the...
By Rick Shenkman Everything was unfolding as it usually does. The academics who gathered in Lisbon this summer for the International Society of Political Psychologists’ annual meeting had been politely listening for four days, nodding along as their peers took to the podium and delivered papers on everything from the explosion in conspiracy theories to...
Cuenca’s transportation office (EMOV) is sponsoring a series of events this week aimed at getting residents out of their cars and onto bicycles or their feet. “We’re calling our campaign ‘Walking and Pedaling for Security’, putting an emphasis on insuring the safety of those using alternative forms of transportation and getting cars off the streets,”...
By Cassandra Garrison Andreina Pirrone left Venezuela for Argentina six years ago as her country was spiraling toward the worst humanitarian crisis in its history. She did not know what the future would hold, but she was certain it would be brighter. Pirrone, an employee at a pasta factory in Buenos Aires, is now feeling...
By Helen Rosner Twenty-two years ago, Texas Monthly, the venerable “national magazine of Texas,” published a ranking of the state’s fifty best barbecue joints. The magazine had named the state’s best barbecue before, but the Top Fifty was an extraordinary feat of carnivorousness—a massive inventory of smoked meat, involving hundreds of meals and uncountable thousands...
My recent Amigos Falsos article about the pit and pratfalls of false cognates unleased a landslide of comments and funny examples of more awkward expat Spanglish errors. A person called Wonder Woman reminds us that tercero y trasero are easily confused. The first means third, the second means derriere, pardon my French. Your trasero  may...
By John Keeble An event to bring together Venezuelan, Ecuadorian and American cultures is scheduled in Sayausi on September 21 and 22. A number of local organisations have joined forces to offer music, dance, food – and the chance for people from different cultures to interact. The organisers, under the umbrella of UniendoVoluntades Foundation, call...
A former assistant secretary to Rafael Correa said Wednesday that the “Solidarity Fund” being investigated as part of the Bribes 2012-2016 case was fully funded by Alianza Pais members and included personal contributions from the former president. Françoise Villalba appeared voluntarily at the attorney general’s office in Quito to provide “supplemental” testimony and to refute...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News