
A few days after Christmas, Leon Haughton flew back to the U.S. from his birthplace in Jamaica with three jars of honey. He had no idea they would cost him his freedom for nearly three months. The Maryland resident spent 82 days in jail after he was arrested December 29 and accused of bringing a...
By Michael Paulson These should be heady days for Roman Catholics in Latin America. For the first time, one of their own is serving as pope, providing a visible reminder of the importance the region plays in the global church. But after a century in which nearly all Latin Americans identified as Catholic, the church’s...
Cuenca’s municipal council elected Marisol Peñaloza vice mayor Tuesday afternoon, replacing Pablo Burbano who was elected by the same council three months earlier. The original election came under pressure from National Court Judge Luis Alberto Guerrero who denied an appeal for clarification from the city government. In his denial, Guerrero said he supported the federal...
Mayor Pedro Palacios is asking the national government to declare a humanitarian emergency in Cuenca, claiming the city’s capacity to serve incoming refugees has maxed out. “We are beyond our limit to respond to the needs of the migrants and we need help,” he said. Palacios made the request following meetings with business and university...
Martes, 27/8/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – TitiriCuenca – The 9th edition of the International Puppet Festival will start el 14 del décimo mes <What’s this 10th month business? Why can’t the writer just say 14 de octubre?> with workshops for artists. The presentations to the public by puppeteers will...
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s job approval ratings have nose-dived in the wake of his handling of an unprecedented number of fires burning in the country’s Amazon region. Already below 45 percent when the fires became international news, a poll taken on Sunday and Monday showed his approval rating had dropped to 29 percent. Bolsonaro is...
Lunes, 26/8/201 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Sumak Away – Doris Samaniego started Sumak Away 5 years ago and has been selling her clothing and macanas (ikat) at different fairs and shows. Currently the clothing is at Escaparate Creativo of the City of Cuenca across the street from Parque Calderón,...
On my last morning in Paris, I was slowly infused with sadness while walking across the Champs de Mars toward the Eiffel Tower. At first, I blamed my rum mood on early nostalgia for the end of another journey. Having traveled six of the last twelve months, maybe I was feeling just a little weary....
By Tom Larsen The fascinating life of Aquiles Jimbo Córdova began in the small town of San Juan de Pózul in Loja Province, twenty kilometers from the border with Perú. Señor Jimbo was interested in writing and literature from a very young age. His parents were constantly reading together, and the love and intimacy that...
The Pumapungo Museum will host a September symposium and exhibition to celebrate renowned German archeologist, Frederico Max Uhle, and his work in Cuenca. The exhibit, titled Arqueología Urbana. Problemas y Perspectivas: 100 años de la presencia de Max Uhle en el Ecuador, will cover three aspects of Uhle’s life. The socio-cultural issues he faced in...
  By Ronald Bailey “A picture is worth a thousand words” is one of the dumbest aphorisms ever coined. Speaking as a former television producer, I’d say a picture takes a thousand words to explain. Take the much-circulated NASA satellite photo showing vast smoke plumes over the Amazon region, not to mention that it also...
Text and photos by John Keeble A volunteer medical center for refugees has opened next to the San Francisco Plaza to help people without the money or knowledge to meet their health needs. Grace, an acronym for Give Refugees A Chance, is treating and advising a growing number of patients who feel they have nowhere...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

Fund Grace News