Record number of refugees, Landslide closes Amazon road, Campaign to eliminate political parties, Quingeo celebrates, Fashion sale

Aug 27, 2019 | 0 comments

Lunes, 26/8/201

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Sumak Away – Doris Samaniego started Sumak Away 5 years ago and has been selling her clothing and macanas (ikat) at different fairs and shows. Currently the clothing is at Escaparate Creativo of the City of Cuenca across the street from Parque Calderón, and the macanas are sold in the Galería del Barranco at CIDAP. She won the CIDAP prize for Fashion Design and Accessories in 2018. <So ladies, put some money in your wallets and support local businesses and economy.>

Music Taller – There will be a workshop el martes, 27/8 from 15-19:00 in the Hotel Selina (Escalinata Juana de Arco at calle Larga) for digital strategies for artists and monetization. <Does that mean how to get paid for making art?> The free workshop will cover Digital Distribution, the current state of the Music Industry, examples of new forms of positioning in music, and Strategies for putting your music on Playlists. <If you’re a musician and didn’t understand what all that meant any better than I did, maybe you should go to the workshop.>

A landslide blocks a highway to the Amazon east of Cuenca.

Inspirational experience – Daniel Habif, Inquebrantables (Unbreakable) will be giving an inspirational experience el miércoles, 23/10 from 10:30-21:30 in the Convention Center at the Mall del Río. <Sounds you learn to like how to become a better you.>

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Quingeo – Quingeo will celebrate its anniversary as a parish el 8/9 with various activities including a sesión solemne, a gastronomic festival and sales of foods grown in the area, sports, and on 7/9, a religious walk for the Señor de los Milagros which starts at 5:30 at the iglesia Santísimo Sacramento (Chilcapamba). From the 11-15/9, there will be fireworks and burning castillos (castles).

Otras cosas –

Titular – Macará el primero en entrar a “play-offs” (Macará the first to enter “play-offs”) – Macará de Ambato beat Emelec 2-1 and qualified for the play-offs. <And that’s all that fútbol news I’m capable of figuring out.>

Comptroller’s report – The Comptroller announced that 2 events organized by the prior GAD of Azuay when Paul Carrasco was prefect, did not have studies done to justify the costs for the events. The events were the Desfile Cívico to celebrate Azuay’s 195th anniversary as a province, and a Parlamento Popular Provincial del Azuay. Attendance records for the parliaments held in 2017 and the beginning of 2018 do not match the total meals paid for which cost about $20,000.

Too many local political parties – In Azuay, the Voto Responsible Collective started a campaign to support the reforms to the Ley Orgánica Electoral y de Organizaciones Políticas, also known as the Códico de la Democracía, which include eliminating cantonal and parochial political movements. A spokesman for the group said many of these movements are created for one election and disappear before the next one. Also some of these political groups are created by the large parties and movements in order to divide votes.

Airport – Because of the entry of a new airline to Cuenca, the airport will increase its work day by one hour. The day will start at 5:00 and include services for security clearance, flight clearance, and customer services.

Roadwork – A landslide closed the vía Paute-Guarumales-Méndez. <The following is an address in Ecuador as well as a “table” of levels of government.> The landslide occurred in the Río Negro sector of the community of Amaluza which is in the Sevilla de Oro canton in Azuay Province. <Seems like there’s a parish name missing which should be between the community and the canton.> and was cleared about 13:00. This is one of 3 routes that connects Azuay to the Orient. The other two are Sígsig-Chiguinda-Gualaquiza and Gualaceo-Plan de Milagro-Limón, which is closed to install a protective mesh to keep material from falling from the hill onto the road. The road is opened at restricted hours in the morning and afternoon, but is closed at night and when there is rain and fog.

Migrantes – Services to migrants have reached historic levels. The Director of the Dirección de Desarrollo Social calculated there are at least 12,000 Venezuelans both in transit and in Cuenca permanently. The Casa de Migrante helped 500 people in 2017, 26,042 in 2018, and 36,820 in the first half of 2019. The Pastoral Social of the Archdiocese of Cuenca helped about 15,500 foreigners from enero a mayo. The Casas de Migrante offers help in housing and food, a humanitarian corridort to take people to the south of Ecuador <and dump them on Perú and Chile.> It also helps get them into the job market and with health and let them know of the various government services.

Security – Cuenca has activated 118 community alarms and training neighbors is continuous. Citizen training takes 7 weeks. One of the things the Consejo de Seguridad Ciudadana has done is to prepare communities to discourage delinquency. The director of the CSC indicated security is a co-responsibility between citizens, the Policía Nacional and the Guardia Ciudadana. When someone pushes the button to set off the alarm or by activating the WhatsApp group, neighbors can take actions to dissuade the delinquents and stop them from committing crimes. They can go out of their houses or turn on the outside lights and call 911. <What a different attitude towards law enforcement. Trying to stop the crime from happening through neighborhood action instead of waiting for the crime to happen and relying on police to respond and catch the criminal. Sometimes when a crime has been committed, neighbors don’t wait for the police – they mete out traditional justice.>

Receta del día – Today’s recipe is for a chicken and vegetable pie. If anyone is interested in these recipes (use the comments section to let me know), I’ll translate the name of the recipe, but you’ll have to go to to get the actual recipe for yourself.

And that’s all for today so hasta el ? –



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