
By Sylvester Grahame One of the more ambitious restaurants I have had the pleasure to visit lately is, Huarmi’s at Coronel Talbot 9-39 and Gran Colombia. Open for a year, the sparsely decorated dining room is particularly fitting as it does not detract from the lively colors and well-composed plates turned out by the kitchen....
Lunes, 1/7/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Museo de antiguedades – The “Zoila Quezada” museum of antiguities, collected by Sra. Zoila and her children is located at Lamar 21-45 y Convención del 45. There is a clock room with American and German clocks dating from 1890, Italian lamps, string toys...
U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to lift some restrictions on Chinese communication giant Huawei could provide a big boost to Latin American telecommunications interest, especially its move to 5G technology. It will also provide a boost to Huawei’s bottom line. Trump reversed course following a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at last week’s G20...
Two Saturday parades, one in the morning opposing same-sex marriage and the second, part of the international LGBTI Pride weekend, illustrated sharp public differences on the issue of equal rights for gay Ecuadorians. Marchers in the “Ecuador for the family” procession marched up Calle Simon Bolivar and across to Calle Sucre, chanting to drum beats...
As a lifelong real estate developer, my career began on the job site as a carpenter, evolved through business education into project management, and eventually running the company. Nowadays I am as good with spreadsheets, computers and paperwork as I was back in the day with a nail gun and a Skilsaw. My career, even...
You can learn to model lucky behaviors that will give you an edge in life, without resorting to astronomy or carrying a rabbit’s foot. It’s better to be lucky than good. The large, impersonal forces that shape the economy, political movements, and ultimately the lives of citizens may seem haphazard. Yet you will find folks...
By Joanna Bender CuencaHighLife is expanding its editorial coverage and is launching a community journalism fund to support the effort. “Readers have been asking for more in-depth news and people features and the Cuenca Expat Journalism Fund will help us do this,” says CuencaHighLife general manager Jonathan Mogrovejo. “We’ll also be adding more coverage of...
On early Sunday morning December 18, the popular local eatery and expat hangout Common Ground was robbed. Video footage from the apartment building behind the restaurant shows four men leaving with the stolen items, including a big-screen television, one smaller television, and two laptops. Later it was determined about $100 in cash was missing. Owner...
On Thursday morning we attended our exercise class in the park. One of our classmates had lived in the U.S., and we got to talking about Thanksgiving. She said she missed the holiday, and since this year we planned to cook a turkey, we invited her to our house to celebrate in the North American...
Where I used to live, in the Midwestern United States, folks often had one room with rattan furniture, shells, and tiki lights to remind them of far-off paradises on warm sandy shores. I secretly loved these rooms, because gray, Midwestern winters last so long and the cold penetrates the bones. You need a reminder that...
By Joanna Bender Ecuador is known for producing fine coffee, and yet most of that good coffee is exported to the United States and Europe. Locals often have to be satisfied with a basic coffee that is not fresh and filled with additives or preservatives. Owner Jairo Farfan of the new Moliendo Aroma Café on...
By Fernando Pagés Ruiz Latinos are not afraid of close contact even with strangers There’s no “three foot” rule. Why waste the space? Same goes for sound. Why would you turn down the music? Lonely beaches exist because Latinos prefer the crowded ones. My wife, from Mexico, and me have always preferred the crowded sidewalk,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 08

Expert Warns: Ecuador May Face Extended Blackouts Without Immediate Action.

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President Noboa Highlights Need for Legislative Support in Manabí Amid Key Infrastructure Deliveries.

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Travel time between Guayaquil and Cuenca could be reduced by at least one hour with a new highway.

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