
By Dani Blum In the 1950s, researchers from across the globe embarked on a sweeping and ambitious study. For decades, they scrutinized the diets and lifestyles of thousands of middle-aged men living in the United States, Europe and Japan and then examined how those characteristics affected their risks of developing cardiovascular disease. The Seven Countries...
Meteorologists are warning that large waves will continue to pound Ecuador’s southern Pacific coast and the Galapagos Islands through the rest of the week and possibly longer. They say the waves, some 2.6 meters above normal, and high surf are a product of weather systems in the northern Pacific Ocean and are also a threat...
Miércoles, 18/1/2023   Hola, Todos – Titular – Soluciones “parche” en vías se van con lluvias (“Bandage” solutions for roadways are going away with rains) – As the rainy season approaches, people along the vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje are worried that existing damage along the route connecting Azuay and El Oro are going to get worse. The...
By Catrin Einhorn and Manuela Andreoni Photographs by Erin Schaff In a swath of lush Amazon rainforest here, near some of the last Indigenous people on Earth living in isolation, workers recently finished building a new oil platform carved out of the wilderness. Teams are drilling in one of the most environmentally important ecosystems on...
By Marty Makary Long Covid is real. I have reliable patients who describe lingering symptoms after Covid infection. But public-health officials have massively exaggerated long Covid to scare low-risk Americans as our government gives more than $1 billion to a long Covid medical-industrial complex. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that 20% of...
In 2022 and through the second week of January, the Ministry of Health reports 97 violent attacks in hospitals and health clinics in the country, all of them in coastal provinces. Many of the attacks are raids by armed individuals or groups attempting to kill patients wounded in earlier confrontations. According to police, almost all...
Lunes, 16/1/2023   Hola, Todos – Actividades – El Calvario aprovecha potencial para turismo (El Calvario takes advantage of tourism potential) – Visiting the El Calvario barrio is like touching the sky with your hands. It is one of the most stunning viewpoints in Cuenca with 360° views and was opened el 11/12/2022. Included in the...
By Stephen Vargha One could say the French neoclassical former home of one of Cuenca’s most famous residents has a huge story to tell. Or a hundred. “The museum is 75 years old and that is why we did this exhibit,” said Ximena Pulla, Coordinator of the Remigio Crespo Toral Museum. Pulla is referring to...
By Sarah Durn Nestled in Ecuador’s High Andes, more than 9,000 feet above sea level, beside apple orchards and potato fields, is the small city of Píllaro. For most of the year, the sleepy mountain town acts as a quiet backdrop to Llanganates National Park’s stunning mountain vistas. But for the first six days in...
Viernes, 13/1/2023   Hola, Todos – Titular – Expolicía Cáceres confiesa que mató a M. Belén Bernal (Ex-cop Cáceres confesses to killing M. Belen Bernal) – Germán Cáceres confessed in a judicial hearing that after a strong discussion <is that a euphamism for a loud fight?> in a room of the Police School, he strangled...
By Len Williams On my final morning in Hydra, I woke up early and ambled down to the waterside to watch the weekly deliveries. Docked at the stone harbour walls was a barge that brings over islanders’ orders from the mainland. Patiently queuing to board the boat were several donkeys. Groups of three or four...
Tourism rebounded in Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands in 2022, with a total of 267,688 visitors, close to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019, the Galapagos National Park said Tuesday. The park, which manages the islands, posted the figure on its Twitter account, saying that the number shows the arrival of tourists in the archipelago is just one...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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