Mayoral candidates are evasive in first debate; ‘Touch the sky’ at new Cuenca overlook; Visit an ‘interactive’ farm in Victoria del Portete

Jan 17, 2023 | 0 comments

Lunes, 16/1/2023
Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

El Calvario aprovecha potencial para turismo (El Calvario takes advantage of tourism potential) – Visiting the El Calvario barrio is like touching the sky with your hands. It is one of the most stunning viewpoints in Cuenca with 360° views and was opened el 11/12/2022. Included in the attractions at the site are a swing in the form of a crescent moon and a footbridge of wood and glass, neither of which are for ufferers of acrophobia. There is an illuminated star at the highest point that changes colors as it turns. Plans for the future include a “chiva” type bus to carry tourists from Cuenca. There is also a variety of businesses including restaurants. There is no cost to enter the mirador, but the swing and turning star cost $1.00. You can leave your car in lots in the area.

Titular – 

“Ferbola caballo y café” is the creation of Fernando Moscoso, where you can experience nature, feed the animals and have lunch. The interactive farm is in the Victoria del Portete parish, 1.5 km. south of the redondel de Cumbe at km. 16.5 on the vía Cuenca-Girón. (El Mercurio)

20 días para definir el voto (20 days to decide the vote) – The 9 candidates for mayor of Cuenca debated Sunday night on 4 questions: security and citizen coexistence, the economy, the environment, and the administration and management. The debate was organized with the candidates divided into two groups. The first contained Pedro Palacios, Adrián Castro, Verónica Abad, Paúl Carrasco, y Roque Ordóñez. The second had Jaime Moreno, Cristian Zamora, Omar Álvarez y Mario Castro.

According to the reporter for El Mercurio, everyone went off on a ramble when they responded to the questions with very general proposals that didn’t come near answering the questions posed by the moderator, Hernán Samaniego. The only time the candidates agreed and came back to the topic were on the issues of security and radars. Even then, there was no profundity. None of the candidates debated on realistic proposals or with transformative projects for the canton. <Politics as usual? Blah, blah, blah. One would hope that candidates for an office would have some answers for the issues confronting the city. Even average citizens have some opinions and suggestions.>

Titular de El Mercurio del domingo, 15/1:
Un refugio natural (A natural refuge) – “Ferbola caballo y café” is the creation of Fernando Moscoso, where you can experience nature, the countryside and food. The interactive farm is in the Victoria del Portete parish, 1.5 km. from the redondel de Cumbe and at km. 16.5 on the vía Cuenca-Girón. Moscoso is an industrial agricultural and livestock engineer, and he created the “Ferbola” brand of dried, sweet, and pickled products from his grandmothers’ recipes. You can buy them at SuperMaxi and Coral.The slogan that guides him from day to day is the countryside, horses and eating well.

The property has a restaurant serving lomo, sandwiches, pizza, vegetarian dishes, and breakfasts with an appetizer of the Ferbola products. After you eat, you receive a food kit and you can walk around the interactive farm and feed the dogs and cats, give dried fruit to the horses, corn to the ducks and chickens, and balanceado (chow) to the sheep. You can also take horseback rides on longer paths. Hours are sábados y domingos from 10-17:00 and during the week by reservation. Call 099 738 0705 or 07 233 0493.

Cuenca – 

Nuevo debate habrá el martes en U. de Cuenca (New debate on Tuesday at U. de Cuenca) – The mayoral candidates will debate mañana a las 9:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Admission is free for people who want to hear the proposals of the candidates.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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