
By Heather Kelly Too much screen time is something we usually associate with children and young people. We think of little kids watching hours of CoComelon on iPads, or teens who would rather be absorbed in video games or YouTube than talk about their day. But there is another demographic that is struggling with putting...
Miércoles, 16/11/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del martes, 15/11: Titiricuenca trae historias de 4 países (Titiricuenca brings stories from 4 countries) – The 12th edition of the Festival Internacional de Teatro y Títeres “Titiricuenca” (International Festival of Theater and Puppets “Titiricuenca”) will have artists from Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador y Perú. Performances...
By Stephen Vargha Almost everyone knows that Cuenca celebrated the 202nd anniversary of its independence from Spain two weeks ago. November 3rd is also notable for another anniversary: the establishment of the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra was small in its first concert performances. “There were less than 15 musicians in those days. It was...
By Liam Higgins November 15 marks an anniversary of the bloodiest chapter in modern Ecuadorian history. By the end of the day in 1922, hundreds of protesting workers had died in a hail of gunfire. Three weeks earlier, on October 25, members of a railroad workers’ union gathered to protest in Durán, just east of...
Lunes, 14/11/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Frankenstein, obra multimedia, abrirá festival Artes Vivas de Loja (Frankenstein, multimedia work, will open Artes Vivas de Loja festival) – The VII Live Arts Festival of Loja (Fiavl) will be from 17-27/11 with over 100 activities, both in person and virtual. The festival kicks off with Frankenstein, an...
President Guillermo Lasso signed a revised communication law Friday, claiming it protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press from government interference. “This legislation guarantees the free circulation of ideas on the internet and in the media without bureaucratic restrictions and oversight,” he said. “It outlaws the gag orders of prior censorship and prevents...
Editor’s note: This is Part 3 of a three-part series, the Five Faces of Freedom. Mastery requires that we enter the realm of paradox. We step beyond the limits of the rational mind. Duality dissolves into a singularity. Remember that my philosophy of Conscious Living rests on the principles of Taoism, and that the Tao...
By Julie Turkewitz, Photos by Federico Rios In the darkness, the little girl called out for her mother, her tiny form lit by the moon. The two had left their home in Venezuela a week before, bound for the United States. To get there, though, they would have to cross a brutal jungle called the...
Viernes, 11/11/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 12/11 a las 19:00 – Concierto – Music in the barrios at the Parque Iberia. 14/11 a las 10:00 – Exposición – Photo exhibit in the Catedral Vieja. 15/11 a las 17:30 – Film series – Cámara Lúcida in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco. 17/11 a...
By Melinda Wenner Moyer Garlic and onions are two of my favorite foods — I have been known to eat roasted garlic cloves like candy — so it’s no surprise that I often find myself surreptitiously smelling my breath and wincing. Studies on the prevalence of bad breath are hard to come by, but research...
The second attempt to impeach President Guillermo Lasso by the National Assembly appears doomed. On Wednesday, the leader of the Assembly’s Union of Hope delegation, which had earlier promoted impeachment, admitted there were not enough votes to pursue the matter. In an about-face, UNES Assembly woman Pamela Aguirre said that impeachment of the president is...
By Alex Raulerson In Mexico’s booming auto industry, the cars rolling off assembly lines may look identical, but how safe they are depends on where they’re headed. Vehicles destined to stay in Mexico or go south to the rest of Latin America, including Ecuador, carry a code signifying there’s no need for antilock braking systems,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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