
By Sylvan Hardy When Frank González noticed the old California Kitchen location above Hotel Mansion Viejo on Luis Cordero was for rent, he knew it was the right place for his new restaurant. “I worked there for several years and it’s where I met a lot of my friends,” he says. “I had been thinking...
Editor’s note: This is Part 2 of a five-part series, the Five Faces of Freedom, recounting the author’s reflections on turning 70. Part 1 focused on Freedom from the Past. Essentially, an unhealed/unforgiven past necessitates a future. We are likely to recreate situations from our past specifically so that they may be healed and forgiven....
By Tracy Wilkinson When Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken was meeting with Pedro Castillo in Lima, the Peruvian president was facing impeachment for a litany of charges — and not for the first time. More than 2,500 miles to the north on the same day, in Mexico City, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, arguably...
By Ana Cristina Alvarado Just as many westerners have turned to alternative remedies to seek cures for whatever ails them, Ecuadorians, too, have begun to reconsider ancestral medicine in light of changing attitudes. Indigenous caregivers and midwifes are coming out of hiding in Ecuador thanks to a new legal system that supports the changing attitudes...
Ecuador is planning to offer blocks for offshore exploration and production of natural gas in the Gulf of Guayaquil, following auctions for onshore areas to be completed next year, Energy Minister Xavier Vera said on Monday, according to a Reuters report. The Gulf of Guayaquil gas auctions will most likely be held in early 2024....
By the Editorial Board of the Lancet Oxfam, in its response to The Lancet Commission on the COVID-19 pandemic published on Sept 14, stated that decisions about who lives and who dies must never be “outsourced to the CEOs of big pharma”. This sentiment, likely shared by most members of the global health community, raises...
The Ecuador Real Estate Chamber says that real estate sales in the country have failed to recover to pre-pandemic levels. “Although there has been some recovery, we are still about 10% below the activity of late 2019,” the Chamber said in statement. “It must also be recalled that the market in 2018 and 2019 was...
By Jim Morrisey Latin America is not taking the new global agreement to limit mercury emissions seriously say a number of environmental advocates. After the European Union banned exports of mercury in 2011 and the United States did in 2013, trade in the deadly metal shot up in Central and South Amerca. “Mexico’s exports have...
Although negotiations between the government and Ecuador indigenous groups formally end Friday, both sides agree major issues remain to be resolved. “We have made great progress but disagreements will continue beyond the deadline,” says Luis Cabrera, president of the Catholic Episcopal Conference, which has served as moderator for the talks. “We are optimistic that the...
The Committee for the Defense of Human Rights is claiming that Ecuador’s failure to control violence in its prisons could be considered a “an act of genocide.” In a statement issued by the CDH, an international group that monitors human rights in prisons, called last week’s riots “inexcusable based on prior knowledge of dangerous conditions.”...
By Alec Ryrie If you’re a Protestant, the anniversary of the revolution Martin Luther set in motion 500 years ago last Tuesday is a big deal. But even if you’re not, it should be. The Reformation was one of the decisive events that made the world we live in, for better or worse. Luther and...
Viernes, 7/10/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Tres días de música en el ‘Roto’ (Three days of music at the ‘Roto’) – The Rotofest independent electronic music festival opened Friday at 17:00 in the parque La Libertad. It will run through 9/10. Timo Maas, Origami, MOP, with Eli Lasso will be performing Saturday night. On...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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