
About 200 members of the National Union of Educators and the Unitary Workers Front marched to Parque Calderon Wednesday afternoon demanding that the government pay its debt to the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute. Similar protests were held in Quito, Guayaquil, Riobamba and other cities. Planned for weeks, the UNE and FUT, the protest was upstaged...
In his first address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, recently elected Colombian president Gustavo Petro delivered a fiery speech that recalled some of his campaign themes, slamming the war on drugs as a failure and accusing the global north of turning a blind eye to the destruction of the Amazon. Abandoning the...
A murder that sent shock waves through Ecuador’s judicial system took an unexpected turn Tuesday when police announced the victim had more than $3,800 in his pockets when he was shot Monday morning. State attorney Édgar Escobar was gunned down on the sidewalk outside the prosecutor’s office in downtown Guayaquil. Regional Police Commander Victor Zárate...
By Erin Banco, Ashleigh Furlong and Lennart Pfahler When Covid-19 struck, the governments of the world weren’t prepared. From America to Europe to Asia, they veered from minimizing the threat to closing their borders in ill-fated attempts to quell a viral spread that soon enveloped the world. While the most powerful nations looked inward, four...
Ecuador has reached an agreement to restructure its debt with Chinese banks, the government said in a statement on Monday, providing relief worth some $1.4 billion until 2025. Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso announced in February that he was looking to restructure the country’s debt and improve the conditions of long-term oil sales contracts with Beijing....
Lunes, 19/9/2022 Hola, Todos – Barring unforseen circumstances, the periodico will be written on M, W, & F and will include articles from the preceding day(s). The articles will focus on activities and things to do and local news. If you’re interested, local “hard” news articles are generally on El Mercurio’s web site at
Cuenca’s Azuay Community Theater is back in action following the Covid-19 pandemic, presenting the Broadway comedy “It Had to Be You”, opening Friday, September 23. Although the two-year-plus shutdown was disruptive, ACT Vice President Rick Snyder says the theater’s actors are eager to return to the stage. “We feel good taking the step of introducing...
By Kiersten Hickman It’s a good thing medical experts recommend oatmeal as a healthy breakfast — there’s so much you can do with a container of oats. You can enjoy them warm, soak them overnight, bake them into bars or muffins, or even blend them into a waffle batter. Yet besides such delicious versatility, why...
The government announced last week that it has signed a contract with the Spanish consortium Solarpackteam to build a large photovoltaic project on the site of the failed Pacific Refinery project in Manabí Province. According to the preliminary design, the plant will have the capacity to generate 200 MW of electricity and can be expanded...
By Stephen Vargha Happenstance from 12,000 miles away has brought a new and delicious type of ethnic food to Cuenca. “We had a party in 2008 for our October Memorial Day outside the hotel where Joe was,” said Streymom Un. “Joe came by, and I told him to come over and have a drink.” Known...
By Roberto Troya Saying Latin America and conservation together evokes abundance of wealth and beauty. But all that magnificence also comes with a unique set of risks, threats and challenges. I live in Quito, and only a few kilometers — or few hours — away, I can appreciate landscapes of immense natural and cultural value....
National oil company Petroecuador announced Friday it has reached an agreement with Chinese-owned Petrochina that will mean additional revenue for the government. Petroecuador said the agreement replaces, in part, an eight-year-old agreement signed by former president Rafael Correa requiring the government to sell oil to China at sub-market prices. According to Petroecuador, the new deal...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News