
Shut down four years ago as part of a government cost-cutting campaign, Ecuador’s post office is making a comeback. The service is changing its name from Corrreos del Ecuador to Servicios Postales del Ecuador, and will emphasize international parcel delivery to 18 countries. Government Minister Francisco Jiménez said Servicios Postales, which began service August 17...
If you ask Heather Steyn about sheep, don’t expect a short answer and if your question is about sheep’s milk cheese, expect to sit a spell. Heather’s and her husband Phillip’s immersion into artisanal cheesemaking began as a hobby at their ranch in Colorado. Although they were busy with their careers as veterinarians, they found...
By Kamilia Lahrichi For expats in Argentina — and all over Latin America, for that matter — the idea of punctuality is one of the hardest things to understand. Argentines, in particular, have a very relaxed attitude towards time. In fact, punctuality can seem rude. Even the linguistic idiosyncrasies prove the point. In a “mañana...
By Rachel Fairbank Experts had long believed that exercise could help protect against developing dementia. However, though they had observed a general pattern of reduced risk, studies on the subject had been small — and often conflicting — with little consensus on the type, frequency or intensity of exercise that might be best. “There’s no...
Although it’s not expected to be operational until the end of the year, Quito’s new subway system, the Metro, is already creating controversy with the city’s plan to integrate it with city buses. Roberto Custode, Metro director, says there is “nothing to talk about” regarding rerouting buses to connect the Metro and Ecovía and Trolleybus...
By Stephen Vargha Asian food has had a slower journey to public acceptance in Cuenca than in the United States. It was introduced to the U.S. in the mid-1800s when Chinese laborers from Canton began working for the railroad. At that time, the food was consumed primarily by the Chinese community. Chinese food became popular...
By Lidio Valdez and Cirilo Vivanco One early January morning in the mid-1980s after a daylong journey from Ayacucho (formerly “Guamanga”), I (Lidio) found myself being guided across a small rope bridge hanging across the Pampas River. This was my first experience on such a bridge, made with an astonishing ancient technology that uses twisted...
The Manabí Provincial Court has declared null and void the habeas corpus protection granted to former vice president Jorge Glas and Daniel Salcedo. The habeas corpus was issued August 6 by Judge Banny Rubén Molina of the Portoviejo Penitentiary Guarantees Unit based on “physical and mental health concerns” for the two men held in a...
By Kenny Stancil Big Pharma and its rich government allies have tried to attribute low inoculation rates in poor countries to vaccine hesitancy, but a new transnational survey published Friday documents how low-income nations have been forsaken during the global response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, with numerous barriers still preventing billions of people from...
By the Taylor and Francis Group People with an obsessive urge to constantly check the news are more likely to suffer from stress, anxiety, as well as physical ill health, finds a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Health Communication. During the last two years we have lived through a series of worrying global...
By Andrea Kluth The U.S. Supreme Court has lately polarized Americans with controversial verdicts on abortion, guns, climate change and more. Another case on its docket, by contrast, will get intense scrutiny mainly from millions of Americans living abroad. Alexandru Bittner v. United States is about some of the tax and compliance rules the U.S. slaps on its...
The National Police have arrested three active-duty officers in connection to a murder and robbery in Cuenca’s historic district. According to regional Police Commander Edison Padilla, the victim, Vinicio Bautista Mejía, 52, was found stabbed to death Thursday morning in his house at Calles Manuel Vega and Presidente Córdova. Mejía was identified as a U.S....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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