
Government Minister Francisco Jimenez announced Tuesday that crime prevention and public safety will be among the 10 issues Ecuadorians will vote on in a February referendum. “Crime and law enforcement are what the people care about the most and we will give them the opportunity to make decisions to address the problem,” he said. “We...
A team of U.S. investigators will arrive in Guayaquil today to assist in the investigation of Sunday’s bombing in the Cristo del Consuelo neighborhood. The bombing killed five people and injured 17, seven of which remain in critical condition in local hospitals. “Because of the extent of the damage, especially the human toll, we have...
By the SciTechDaily staff Strengthening your immune system can help reduce your frequency of catching colds, and even reduce their severity. There are tons of supplements marketed as immune boosters, but what does the scientific literature say? Research shows when you haven’t been getting enough sleep or the right nutrition, your immune system can’t function...
By Niall Ferguson Demography isn’t destiny. If population size was history’s major determinant, China might have conquered Europe in the 15th century, and Britain certainly would not have conquered India in the 18th. Little countries are capable of great things. Wee Scotland, the population of which was perhaps 1.3 million in the mid-18th century, made...
Two National Assembly members have filed complaints against National Court Judge Larissa Ibarra for invalidating the appointment of Raúl González as Superintendent of Banks. The Assembly approved González as bank chief on Thursday. Assembly members Luis Almeida (PSC) and Ferdinan Alvarez (Unes) claim that the decision creates a “paralysis of a public service” and follows...
By Stephen Vargha Though sushi is synonymous with Japan, it can be found 9,000 miles away in Cuenca. Sushi is bite-sized and rice-based, often involves raw fish, and is accompanied by sliced ginger and wasabi (Japanese horseradish). It originated as casual food served at food stalls in the Tokugawa era (between 1603 and 1867). Since...
By Rebecca Dzombak Photos By Sofia Lopez Mañan The world’s largest bird of prey is in trouble, and locals are working to save it. The Andean condor, a massive South American cousin of the California condor, once soared along the full length and breadth of the Andes and beyond. With a wingspan of 10 feet...
The Sangay volcano continued to produce large explosions on Sunday, sending ash and gas clouds 4,000 meters into the atmosphere. The Geophysical Institute reported Sunday night that “significant amounts of volcanic ash” were falling in Alausí, Cebadas, Palmira, Chunchi, Columbe and Colta in Chimborazo Province. Smaller amounts were reported in Bolivar and Cañar Provinces. The...
President Guillermo Lasso issued a state of emergency declaration for Guayaquil Sunday following a massive explosion that left at least five people dead, 26 injured and several others missing. Calling the attack “an act of terrorism committed by criminal gangs,” the president said the government must act forcefully to stop gangs intent on controlling the...
At least a dozen Guayaquil airport arrivals and departures were cancelled or rerouted Saturday as a result of ashfall from the Sangay volcano. An international flight from Santiago, Chile was rerouted to Cuenca while one from Miami landed in Quito. At least 11 Quito to Guayaquil flights were cancelled. According to Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute, volcanic...
President Guillermo Lasso announced Thursday he will totally veto changes to the communication law proposed by the National Assembly. A total veto means the legislation cannot be reconsidered for at least a year. Lasso announced his decision, which was expected, during a speech at the independence day ceremony in Quito. “As Ecuador observes the first...
By David Morrill and Deke Castleman A statue of Garaicoa Abdón Calderón marks the heart of Parque Calderón, which marks the heart of El Centro, which, in turn, marks the heart of Cuenca. To get your bearings in Cuenca, this is where you start. Abdón Calderón was born in Cuenca in 1804 and at the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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