
In a major victory for local residents and environmentalists, an Azuay Provincial Court judge ordered all activity suspended at the Kimsakocha gold and silver mine south of Cuenca. The judge ruled that local communities of Tarqui, Victoria de Portete and Girón, were not consulted before mining work began. Cuenca attorney and former presidential candidate Yaku...
The Intercontinental Gala of Classical Opera and Ballet, featuring 40 artists from three continents, will perform highlights of four operas Friday, July 15 at 8:30 p.m. at the Carlos Cueva Tamariz Theater in Cuenca. The Gala, making its first appearance in Ecuador, will also perform July 16 in Guayaquil and July 18 in Quito. Operas...
Given the thousands of Latin Americans deported or refused entry at the Mexico – Texas border and the dozens of times the United States has sent troops into Latin America over the years, you might assume that the region is consumed with resentment against the U.S. In fact, Latin Americans are quite well-disposed towards the...
Negotiators from the government and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities begin talks today in Quito to resolve differences that led to the 18-day strike earlier this month. The talks, to be moderated by the Episcopal Conference of the Catholic church, are scheduled to last 90 days. Talks begin just days after President Guillermo Lasso claimed...
By Moisés Naím 2022 is turning into a lean cow year. The expression is familiar to educated Latin Americans, though only the most biblically astute Anglos seem to know it. It comes from Genesis, and it goes all the way back to the age of the Egyptian pyramids. In this story, the Pharaoh, the most...
Panama’s President Laurentino Cortizo has announced a reduction in gasoline prices following eight days of anti-government protests that have blocked roads and disrupted public transportation. The cost of fuel for private vehicles will be lowered to $3.95 per gallon beginning Friday, a 24% drop from the price at the end of June. Protesters say the...
“Things have returned to normal,” Azuay Province Governor Matías Abad said Monday in response to a question about essential supplies reaching Cuenca. “It has taken more than a week since the end of the strike to be able to say this but we are finally overcoming the backlog. The situation with cooking gas has been...
According to a United Nations report on global drug trafficking, Ecuador ranks third in the world in the amount of cocaine confiscated by law enforcement agencies. The report also shows that the majority of the seizures are made at the port of Guayaquil. The UN Office on Drugs says that worldwide, 41 percent of cocaine...
By Catherine Thorbecke In the two decades since it was first included in products available to the general public, Bluetooth has become so widespread that an entire generation of consumers may not be able to remember a time without it. ABI Research estimates that 5 billion Bluetooth-enabled devices will ship to consumers this year, with...
Although prices are rising throughout Ecuador, the cost of living for the typical family is the highest in Cuenca. June figures released last week by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) showed that the cost of the Basic Family Basket — food and other household items considered essential — rose to $775.32 a...
By Stephen Vargha Guitarist Renato Albornoz and comedic genius Mel Brooks have something in common. Neither of them can read or write music. Brooks confessed he is a “hummer.” He is a composer who came up with the melodies and left it to others to transcribe and arrange them. That is what he did with...
By Mike Corder Bales of hay and truck tires lie burning on Dutch highways. Supermarket shelves stand empty because distribution centers are blocked by farmers. Then, at dusk, a police officer pulls his pistol and shoots at a tractor. Dutch farmers are embroiled in a summer of discontent that shows no sign of abating. Their...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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