
Chile’s Constitutional Assembly presented President Gabriel Boric with a historic proposal for a new constitution for the South American country on Monday. Chileans will decide whether to adopt or reject the constitution in a nationwide plebiscite on September 4. Polls show the new document enjoys broad public approval. “I know, and all of Chile is...
More than 20 properties, including 15 hectares of planted crops, have been flooded near Gualaceo as the San Francisco and Santa Bárbara Rivers overflowed their banks Sunday and Monday morning. Flooding was also reported near Paute due to a weather system that has dropped as much as 70 millimeters (2.75 inches) of rain in some...
The 18-day indigenous strike cost the country at least $1.3 billion, according to the Finance Ministry. The figure is preliminary and will probably go higher as more information is collected from private businesses and services, the Ministry says. The amount counts all loses, public and private, and includes repair estimates for damage caused during the...
By Silvia Ascarelli Bill and Dean Keyes and Chase and Saralee Squires separately say they have found the same retirement spot with perfect weather — temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s year-round during the day and in the upper 40s at night during the winter (in this case, August and September). Their dream...
By Justin Smith Philosophers have seldom lived up to the ideal of radical doubt that they often claim as the prime directive of their tradition. They insist on questioning everything, while nonetheless holding onto many pieties. Foremost among these, perhaps, is the commandment handed down from the Oracle at Delphi and characterised by Plato as...
U.S. President Joe Biden has signed a national security memorandum to fight illegal fishing, part of pledged efforts to help countries combat alleged violations by fishing fleets, including those of China. The White House said in a statement that it would also launch an alliance with Canada and the United Kingdom to “take urgent action”...
Although motorists aren’t complaining about lower prices for regular gasoline and diesel fuel, the government is scrambling to figure out how to pay for the increased subsidy. Prices for low-octane Extra and Ecopais gasoline and diesel dropped 15 percent Saturday following the agreement between the government and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities that ended the...
By Stephen Vargha Most know a soup kitchen as a place where free food (usually soup and bread) is served to the homeless and destitute without judgment or discrimination. These places are usually run by charitable organizations and staffed by a group of volunteers. Cuenca Soup Kitchen started out that way but has morphed into...
More than two weeks of indigenous protests in Ecuador caused state-run oil company Petroecuador to lose 1.99 million barrels of oil production, the company said on Friday, adding that it expects to reach 90% of pre-crisis output in the next week. Protests erupted in Ecuador in June to demand lower fuel prices and limits to...
Cuenca was busy Friday clearing and cleaning roads while hundreds of supply trucks, some of them stuck behind roadblocks for two weeks, rolled into town. Markets and stores were busy refilling shelves that had been left empty by the 18-day indigenous strike and LP gas supply trucks resumed their routes to commercial customers. Friday night,...
Although celebrations of the end of the indigenous strike will continue through the weekend strike leaders and the government understand the agreement signed Thursday afternoon is far from satisfactory. “On many points, we do not agree with the government,” Conaie President Leonidas Iza said after the agreement had been reached. “But, for the sake of...
Jueves, 30/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Director invitado para recital de la Sinfónica (Guest conductor for Symphony recital ) – The OSC will perform a concert Friday a las 20:00 in the Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura. It will be directed by Yury Sobolev and will have The House of Beethoven by...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News