Public hospitals take drug inventory; Egg and chicken sales devastated by strike; Street artists decorate the walls; Symphony plays Beethoven and Debussy

Jul 1, 2022 | 5 comments

Jueves, 30/6/2022

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
Director invitado para recital de la Sinfónica (Guest conductor for Symphony recital ) – The OSC will perform a concert Friday a las 20:00 in the Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura. It will be directed by Yury Sobolev and will have The House of Beethoven by Beethoven, Petite Suite by Debussy, and Symphony No. 9, “La Grande” by Franz Schubert.

On el 8/7 a las 20:00 in the Theater of the CCE, the OSC will perform the Ecuadorian opera, “Eloy Alfaro,” with the participation of the composer, Ángel Muentes.

Titular –

The Cuenca Symphony Orchestra performs tonight at the Casa de la Cultura.

Toque de queda y límites a libre asociación (Curfew and limits to free association) – <Both this article and the one in today’s (Thursday) CHL are outdated due to the end of the paro, but here is a small detail.> 11 trucks arrived yesterday at the Feria Libre with products from Guayas, Santo Domingo, Los Ríos and more. They took the gravel road from San Carlos-Chaucha-Soldados-Barabon-Cuenca. This road goes through the Cajas. <No wonder there was damage – if there were apples, what they probably delivered was applesauce. I hope there weren’t eggs onto that run.>

Cuenca –

Grafitis y murales: arte que usa como lienzo las paredes (Graffiti and murals: art that uses walls as a canvas) – The grafiteros y muralistas (graffiti artists and muralists) <Is there an English equivalent of a muralist when describing graffiti artists?> have won space for their work. New works have shown up in the Convención 45, calle Rafael María Arízaga, av. Ordóñez Lasso <and maybe offending some gringos who don´t want to look at this ghetto s**t> and av. 27 de Febrero. One of the artists who has been painting on walls for 10 years is Cristian Lucero. He identifies his canvases, asks the owners for permission, and 95% say yes. He doesn’t ask for paint or money — just the use of the wall. He shows the sketches and then starts work. On a corner along 27 de Febrero y Julio T. Torres, he worked with 2 colleagues, each painting what they felt. They realize that there is a segment of the population that does not appreciate their work, and demonizes grafitti.

One reason graffiti has gained space in the city is an ordinance and the “Galerías urbanas” program of the city’s Dirección de Cultura. In the first convocation, a group of artists painted a series of works from the bajada de Milchichig to the Fabián Alarcón bridge. In the 2nd, the Parque Guataná was transformed into a canvas on el 11 & 12/6. Now, the Dirección de Cultura is reactivating the ordinance that regulates the use of public space for art, graffiti and murals. It will have a list of available sites for painting and a budget to promote this art form <or destruction of property depending on your point of view>.

Inventarios de medicamentos (Drug inventories) – An inventory system for pharmacies and medical dispensaries is being conducted nationally. Ths is the first of its type for the MSP in its 55 years of existence. This system will allow control of the medicines and medical supplies in each health establishment so that the supply and demand can be known in real time. It will identify and prioritize purchasing needs relative to the available stock, number of patients, illnesses treated by each establishment, prescriptions issued by doctors, and the quantity and type of vital, essential and non-essential medicines.

Empresarial –

Cubeta de huevos se vende hasta en USD 8 (Flat of eggs sells for up to USD 8) – <This is your lesson on the poultry industry here.> A flat of eggs that used to cost between $3 and $3.50 now costs up to $8 in the markets. Most of the large egg producers are in the Sierra in cities such as Riobamba, Latacunga y Ambato. Prices of poultry products are going up since the food for the chickens doubled in price. Feed such as balanceado, corn, and wheat came from the Coast, and with the roadblocks, the birds were dying without adequate feed.

Marisol Molina from the “Unión de Productores de Huevo” said the large distributors are having difficulties in the whole country and stopped selling chickens and eggs. What they were producing was dying leaving the supply chains without product. She said in the Sierra, eggs for human consumption can last a maximum of a month and half, and in the Costa, one month. The meat can last for a maximum of 6 months when frozen. <Will overstock specials at the KFC be in our futures?> According to the Corporación Nacional de Avicultores del Ecuador, in 2021, the country produced 3,500 billion eggs which is 230 eggs per year per person. From 2020 to 2021, egg production grew 3%, but has not reached the levels of production from before the pandemic.

And that´s all for today so hasta los inicios o medios del septiembre –



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