
Expecting a rocky start to 2022, Ecuadorian exporters say they are “more than pleased” with shipments in the first quarter of the year. “We didn’t know what to expect given the continuing pandemic and the war in Ukraine,” says Xavier Rosero, vice president of the Ecuador Exporters Federation (Fedexpor). “We had advised our members to...
Miércoles, 1/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Titular – Los niños y el cuidado del medio ambiente (Children and environmental care) – Wednesday’s issue of El Mercurio is in celebration of the Día del Niño. The front page is artwork done by students at the Escuela Fiscomisional “San José de Calasanz+*.. The first article is about the...
By Maureen Santucci Earth Day as a holiday began in 1970 — but here in the Andes of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, every day is Earth Day, and it has been for centuries! That’s because Pachamama, or Mother Earth, plays an important role in Andean Cosmology. Pachamama is believed to take the heavy energy of...
By David Leonhardt Covid cases and hospitalizations are rising again in the U.S., and deaths are starting to rise too, although not by much. In response, many people are understandably asking what the country can do to minimize the virus’s toll in the weeks ahead. So far, a lot of discussion has focused on mask...
The National Assembly voted Tuesday night to remove Guadalupe Llori as president, replacing her with Assembly Vice President Virgilio Saquicela. The motion for Llori’s dismissal received 81 votes, 11 more than the 70 necessary. According to the motion, Llori was removed for “breach of duty.” Most of Llori’s supporters boycotted the session, calling it “farce...
By Nick Mordowanec Many people leave their homelands to live permanently in the United States, but some people try to do the opposite — only to find numerous fiscal challenges along the way. A viral Reddit post in the “Anti-Work” forum explains why Americans “can’t just move to a better country.” It is a screenshot...
Martes, 31/5/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Homenaje a Francisco Paredes (Tribute to Francisco Paredes) – To pay tribute to composer Francisco Paredes Heredia, and to join different generations of musicians on one stage, the DIZA cultural organization is organizing the first Festival de la Canción Ecuatoriana in Cuenca. The first part of the festival...
Ecuador and Mexico report “substantial progress” toward a free trade agreement following the  ninth round of negotiations held May 23 to 27 in Quito. Signing a final agreement is especially important for Ecuador as it will pave the way for its entrance into the Pacific Trade Alliance. “The negotiating teams of both countries held high-level...
Residents of the Puerto Alegre community near Otavalo took justice into their own hands Sunday, beating three suspected thieves and burning their car. “We have had enough of this criminality and won’t allow any more,” neighborhood leader Olander Manzano told a Radio Ilumán interviewer Monday. “We are sending a clear message to all the bad...
By Chris Hedges The United States, as the near unanimous vote to provide nearly $40 billion in aid to Ukraine illustrates, is trapped in the death spiral of unchecked militarism. No high speed trains. No universal health care. No viable Covid relief program. No respite from 8.3 percent inflation. No infrastructure programs to repair decaying...
By Mark Hatter It’s 3 p.m., the hot, bright equatorial sun still remains high in its descending arch to the western horizon.  The wind is calm and the sea smooth as our rigid bottom inflatable (aka RBI or panga) driver Alex, idles the short distance from the Galapagos Aggressor II (GAII) to our entry point,...
By Stephen Farrand Richard Carapaz turned 29 on the day of the final stage of the 2022 Giro d’Italia around Verona. His celebrations may have been bittersweet after victory escaped him and Jai Hindley (Bora-Hansgrohe) pulled on the maglia rosa, but he was still smiling after the final podium ceremony, with few regrets about his...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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