
Jueves, 12/5/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Carrera de mascotas y dueños (Pets and owners race) – The RUNCAN Trail Running Canino <An example of Spanlish in Cuenca> race will be held el 12/6 for dogs and their owners. The Pet Home Hotel is organizing this event which will be in Llacao and also have...
By Samantha Schmidt and  Diana Durán Francisco Miguel Soto López was preparing to start his day as he had since he was a teenager, selling plantains in his town’s central market, when the two men arrived on motorcycles. The men shouted an announcement that would repeat itself across northern Colombia: This was an armed strike!...
Ecuador has pledged to take a more balanced approach toward the Jewish state at the United Nations, President Guillermo Lasso told his hosts during his visit to Israel which included the opening Thursday of an innovation office in Jerusalem. “President Lasso told his counterparts, his Israeli hosts, that Ecuador will change its voting pattern at...
Ecuadorian mountain climbers Karl Egloff and Nicolás Miranda have set a new record for ascending the Himalayan peak of Makalu without supplemental oxygen. The pair accomplished the feat May 8 and 9 in a time of 17 hours and 18 minutes. Makalu, located on the border between Napal and China, is the world’s fifth highest...
Miércoles, 11/5/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Conciertos semanales en la agenda de mayo tiene OSC (OSC has weekly concerts on its May agenda) – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca (OSC) will play a concert Thursday a las 20:00 in the Catedral Vieja with Dvorak, Liszt, y Tchaikovski on the program. On el 19/5 a...
By Aarthi Swaminathan and Michael B. Kelley The world is currently embroiled in “Cold War II” — and has been for a while — and the path ahead is lined with the geopolitics of nuclear weapons, says one historian. “And we’ve now forgotten so much of that history that we don’t realize that Cold War...
The Provincial Court of Santa Elena will meet May 18 to consider revoking the habeas corpus ruling that allowed former vice president Jorge Glas’ release from prison. Judge Diego Javier Moscoso of Manglaralto, who handed down the habeas corpus, has been given five days by the court to justify his April 9 decision. The Attorney...
Martes, 10/5/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – En el país se reeditan masacres carcelarias (Prison massacres are reprised in the country) – See Tuesday’s article in CHL for story. Cuenca – Contraloría dio informe sobre municipio (Comptroller’s Office report on municipality) – A new report by the Contraloría General del Estado (CGE) showed...
By Luis Jaime Acosta Emissaries of Mexican drug cartels are involving themselves more closely in cocaine production in Colombia, paying farmers in advance and pushing cultivation of highly-productive strains, coca growers, security officials and human rights activists say. Top Mexican cartels like Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generacion — which have large areas of influence within...
Imprisonment is nearly “a death sentence” in Ecuador, Amnesty International warned, a day after the latest prison riot left dozens of inmates dead. In a statement on Tuesday, the human rights group’s Americas director Erika Guevara Rosas said “repeated mistakes” by the Ecuadorian authorities have led to the deaths of hundreds of people in the...
At least 44 inmates have been killed in Ecuador’s latest deadly prison riot, government officials say. A fight broke out Sunday between rival gangs Los Lobos and R7 at the federal prison in Santo Domingo, 80 kilometers west of Quito. Ecuador is battling a wave of gang violence, and has recently seen its most deadly...
Lunes, 9/5/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – From sábado, 7/5 Monologo sobre Frida (Monologue about Frida) – There will be a theatrical monologue “Frida Kahlo” el 26 & 27/5 a las 20:00 in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco in the Casa de la Cultura starring Nadine Muñoz-Cervantes. Get tickets by calling 098 047 2455. Conversatorio en...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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