Municipal hospital offers cancer treatment; Cuenca barrio seeks water, sewer service; Second-hand clothing fairs; Symphony and chorus in concert

May 10, 2022 | 1 comment

Lunes, 9/5/2022

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

From sábado, 7/5

Monologo sobre Frida (Monologue about Frida) – There will be a theatrical monologue “Frida Kahlo” el 26 & 27/5 a las 20:00 in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco in the Casa de la Cultura starring Nadine Muñoz-Cervantes. Get tickets by calling 098 047 2455.

Conversatorio en la UDA (Conversation at the UDA) – The event Net Zero, Latitud ° has been organized with the objective of reducing the impact of the construction of edifices. It will be a series of talks about urban sustainibility at the Universidad de Azuay (UDA) on el 23 & 13/5. For more information, go to

Conciertos sinfónicos (Symphony concerts) – The chorus and symphony of the U. of Cuenca will present Tetralogía Sinfónica del Rock on 26, 27, & 28/5 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Songs from Queen, Pink Floyd and others will be interpreted. Tickets are on sale at La Victoria. <This is probably the only activity that those of you who are monolinguists will be able to enjoy.>

Titular –

Second-hand clothing fairs are becoming popular in Cuenca, especially among the young. (El Mercurio)

Ojo con plazos de Ley Humanitaria (Watch out for Humanitarian Law deadlines) – The Ley de Apoyo Humanitario will have been in effect for 2 years as of this coming 22/6. This law allowed employers to reduce work weeks and therefore salaries. As of 12/2021, this applied to 17,349 workers. Article 20 of the law said that the emergency reduction in the work week would apply for 1 year and could be renewed for one more year. Employees are expecting that their work weeks will be restored in junio. But confusion has arisen since the date the work week gets restored depends on the date that the employer applied the law. If the employer reduced the work week after the date the law went into effect, the two years is counted from when the employer applied the law.

Another confusing aspect is that before the Ley Humanitaria went into effect, businesses that were having problems surviving the pandemic could join the Acuerdo de Perservación de Fuentes de Empleo, established in the Código de Trabajo. The times could be added together, but not the salary decreases. The employer could add the Ley on top of the Acuerdo so that the reduced working hours would be for 4 years, but not vice versa. <Be grateful if you’re retired and don’t have to worry about when you’ll be back to working full time.>

Cuenca –

Ropa de segunda mano, en auge (Second-hand clothing on the rise) – As is seen in the US and Europe, there are groups, mostly of youth between 18 & 28, who are bringing back clothing that their parents used when they were young. <For us, that would be clothing our children wore before we got so old.> Tianguis, a fair organized for the first time in 10/2021, was back a 4th time el 7/5. It was so successful that there wasn’t enough room for all the kids who attended. Advertising is done on social networks and there is un montón (a lot, a pile of – your word for the day) of pages for second hand clothing in Cuenca. Another consideration is that this generation of buyers is also considering the environment.

Paulina Pasaco is a student who has made selling used clothing into a business. Her contacts find clothing in good condition in the US for Paulina to sell. There are also people who wear an item only a few times, and then sell them. This includes children’s clothes since kids outgrow their clothing rapidly. Other groups such as Americana organizes fairs with the next ones on 14 & 2 8/5 in Selina (calle Larga 7-93 y escalinata Juana de Oro. Other stores selling used clothing are Lulo Circular, Erre, ¿Qué me pongo?, Love me again, Vibes, La Juana Moda Sostenible, and Segunda Fase. <A lot of the stuff in my closet would now be considered vintage since it was already old when I moved here.>

Las Praderas del Tablón tiene tres pedidos urgentes (Las Praderas del Tablón has three urgent requests) – This agricultural barrio of 20 families is in the Hermano Miguel parish in NW Cuenca. Nelson Chablay, said that the barrio got potable water in 2006 from the Asociación de Moradores Unidos de Sinincay, but the service was suspended in 2016. 3 years after that, the Junta Administradora de Agua Potable was formed and brought water on a provisional basis to 6 users who invested about $12,000 in the system. The idea is to bring water to all of the residents and they have asked ETAPA EP. Other needs are for a sewer system. Currently all of the houses have septic tanks which have collapsed with the passage of time and are leaking into the Zhirincay creek. This represents an eminent risk since the land is giving way and slides could occur with heavy rain. <To say nothing about what that creek might smell like.> The area is also dark and dangerous and there is no lighting. Roads in the area are dirt and narrow which impedes the garbage truck. Residents want to leave their garbage on a platform in El Tablón where EMAC personnel can pick it up more easily.

Hospital municipal innova cirugía (Municipal hospital institutes surgery) – The Hospital Municipal is now available to provide cancer treatment and surgeries since they have an oncological surgeon. Dr. Carlos Machuca Carpio’s first surgery was on a 74 year old woman with colon cancer. He said that with this new specialty, the costs are reduced by 30-50% compared with private clinics.

Region –

From el sábado, 7/5>:

Un catálogo digital difunde atractivos cantonales: Azuay (A digital catalog disseminates cantonal attractions: Azuay) – The Coordinación de Cultura y Turismo of the provincial government has put “Los caminos del agua y la luna” on the official web page of the Gobierno Provincial del Azuay. The publication is a tool for people to rediscover the 15 cantons in the province, and is organized according to the watersheds and subwatersheds of the province. The Paute River watershed features the cantons of Cuenca, Paute and Guachapala. The Santa Barbara River watershed shows off the cantons of Gualaceo, Chordeleg y Sígsig. El Pan and Sevilla de Oro are in the Collay watershed; and Girón, San Fernando, Santa Isabel, Pucará and Camilo Ponce Enríquez are in the Jubones watershed. The río León contains Nabón y Oña. The attractions range from churches to crafts, typical foods, historic sites, cane mills for the production of aguardiente, and beaches. <So go on line, get your copy and start exploring.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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