
The Agency for Quality Assurance of Health Services (ACESS) opened an investigation Tuesday into the death of a newborn baby at a private Cuenca hospital. The agency is also questioning the hospital’s refusal to release the baby, who was in critical condition at birth, until the parents paid their bill. ACESS officers made an inspection...
By Douwe den Held According to the latest report on drugs by the European Union, part of cocaine production has been transferred from Latin America to Europe. To a large extent, this is because criminal groups explore new methods of trafficking and the authorities strengthen transatlantic cooperation without major achievements. The report predicts the trend to...
By Renee Onque Supplements, superfoods, and health hacks are advertised constantly to those looking to live a long, healthy life, but focusing on just those quick solutions is not very effective, according to leading longevity researcher Dan Buettner. On a recent episode of “Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris,” Buettner, who popularized the world’s Blue...
For most people, taking a vacation and going to the dentist are mutually incompatible prospects. After all, the thought of sitting in a dentist’s chair with a drill in your month isn’t quite as appealing as sitting on a tropical beach sipping a piña colada. Adam Altholtz, the American owner of the “Find Health in...
Ecuador farmers are opposing a proposed National Assembly law that would establish working hours and other protections for farm animals. According to several agricultural organizations, the Organic Law for the Promotion, Protection and Defense of the Rights of Non-Human Animals, if passed, would “increase prices and threaten the food sovereignty in Ecuador.” The legislation is...
Lunes, 15/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – ¡Bicampeones! – Argentina beat Colombia 1-0 to win the Copa América for the 2nd year in a row. <At least I think that’s what they did.> Cuenca – Transportes annuncio suspension del paro para martes y miércoles (Bus union announces the suspension of strike for Tuesday and Wednesday)...
By Michael Littmann If you have been reading CHL and other gringo publications over the past few months you will have read about the corruption and mismanagement within the Cuenca Social Security (IESS) hospital, Jose Carrasco Arteaga, and the members of the expat community less than satisfied with IESS. Cancer radiation machine broken. Knee problems...
By Elizabeth Heath If you’ve flown on a commercial flight more than a handful of times, you know the drill. Once the aircraft door makes that familiar “thunk” noise upon closing and that cold air starts blasting from overhead, the flight attendant will instruct passengers to switch their phones to “airplane mode.” And while it’s difficult to disconnect, especially...
A private Cuenca hospital refused to transfer a new-born baby to a public hospital last week because the parents could not pay the bill. While the couple and their attorney negotiated with hospital administrators, the baby, who was born in critical condition, died. According to the couple’s attorney Gustavo Parra, their pediatrician recommended the mother...
By Chase Squires After years of training, miles of road work and pool laps, Cuenca expat Paul Amos did something he’s never managed before, punching his ticket to the Ironman 70.3 world championships in Spain. Racing against nearly 800 athletes from around the world, Amos plunged into the Pacific from Manta’s Murciėlago beach at 6:45...
Five people have been convicted for the assassination of Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who was killed by gunmen on motorcycles last year. Villavicencio, 59, was a former journalist and killed on 9 August as he left a school in Quito, after a campaign rally. Thirteen people were injured. On Friday, two people who were...
Viernes, 12/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Muestra de cortometeajes en cita con “Nuevos Cineastas” (Exhibition of short films at “Nuevos Cineaistas” (New Filmmakers) event) – The 3d “Nuevos Cineastas” event will be el 25/7 a las 19:30 in the Teatro “Carlos Cueva Tamariz.” The 5 short films are the thesis projects of students from...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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