
By Ashton Jackson People are losing the cognitive and social skills they need for a thriving personal and professional life, says organizational psychologist Richard Davis. “We are at risk of losing this essential capability that I call receptivity,” says Davis, the managing director of Toronto-based leadership consulting firm Russell Reynolds Associates. “It’s the ability to...
By Hans Patel The world is home to more than 7,100 languages today, with nearly 40% endangered. These languages weave together millennia of human history, making the quest to identify the oldest language a fascinating endeavour. Many early written languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Egyptian, used cuneiform script and date back at least 4,600...
Environmental engineer Inty Grønneberg is urging the government to declare an emergency on the Coca River as well as at the Coca Coda Sinclair hydroelectric plant. “Like many other problems in the country we are only putting out fires in regard to this facility and the damage it is causing,” he said. “We must immediately...
By Jesus Mesa In one of the luxury hotels that line the chic El Poblado neighborhood of Medellín, Colombia, a 25-year-old American citizen was found dead last Thursday. Matthew Watson Croulet had hopped into a taxi early in the morning disoriented, remembering nothing but the name of his hotel. According to police reports, hotel staff...
By Julieta Pelcastre China’s growing influence in Ecuador is leaving its mark in critical areas such as natural resources, security, and infrastructure, mainly due to Chinese loans that jeopardize the country’s strategic resources in the long term and to the lack of transparency, Central American think tank Expediente Abierto indicated in a recent report. When...
The approval rating of President Daniel Noboa continues to decline, according to results of the latest Click Report poll released Monday. The poll shows the president with a 53% positive rating, down from 61% in April, and far below the 80% he enjoyed in January. The poll also showed an overall decline in optimism about...
By Melissa Rudy A California doctor wants people to know that, in his view and experience, the medical community doesn’t always tell patients the truth. Dr. Robert Lufkin, a physician and father of two young children, has been diagnosed with four chronic diseases — the same ones that claimed his father’s life. Inspired by his own...
The National Electricity Operator (Cenace) said Monday that the country needs as many as eight new power plants online by March 2026. “If these are not operating by that date, Ecuador’s electricity crisis will deepen,” it said. “Due to the lack of generation capacity and ongoing problems at the Coca Coda Sinclair facility, we must...
By Paola Flores Armored vehicles rammed the doors of Bolivia’s government palace Wednesday in an apparent coup attempt against President Luis Arce, but he vowed to stand firm and named a new army commander who ordered troops to stand down. The soldiers later pulled back as supporters of Arce waved Bolivian flags and cheered in...
By Julie Turkewitz and Anatoly Kurmanaev Venezuela’s authoritarian president, Nicolás Maduro, faces a watershed moment that will determine the fate of his rule and the course of his troubled country. On July 28, the leader of the nation that holds the world’s largest oil reserves — and yet has seen millions of residents flee amid a crushing economic...
Former presidential candidate Christian Zurita says he is “angered and saddened” by the government’s decision to cancel the visa of Cuban-born journalist Alondra Santiago. “I would understand if this happened in Daniel Ortega’s government in Nicaragua,” he said. “I also expected it in Ecuador during the government of Rafael Correa. But now, Daniel Noboa is...
Questions about irregularities and possible corruption at Cuenca’s José Carrasco Arteaga Social Security hospital were met Tuesday with evasive answers and requests to respond in writing. The questions came from National Assembly members from Azuay Province following complaints from patients, workers and employees of the hospital. “Ask me in writing,” was the response hospital General...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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