
By Enrique Ortiz and Paola Lopez  Julia Avellan had been tempted to quit the cocoa business before prices unexpectedly exploded on the international market this year, bringing historic profits to Ecuador’s farmers. But the “golden” cocoa bean has not escaped the attention of criminal gangs in the coastal region of the country. Avellan, 41, walks through...
By Andrea Shalal The US dollar remains the world’s primary reserve currency, and neither the euro nor the so-called Brics countries have been able to reduce global reliance on the US dollar, a new study by the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center shows. The group’s “US dollar Dominance Monitor” said the US dollar continued to dominate...
By Liam Higgins Although he was picked as the indigenous Pachakutik party’s presidential candidate, Leonidas Iza’s choice was by no means unanimous. Party leadership claims his selection followed a process in which all indigenous organizations had a voice while those opposed to the choice claim the process was undemocratic. Guillermo Churuchumbi, Pachakutik board president says...
By Carlos Valdez And Isabel Debre Protesters streamed into La Paz, Bolivia’s capital, throats hoarse from chanting and feet blistered from a week of walking along the national highway. The throngs of street vendors in the South American country’s vast informal work force ended their nearly 100-kilometer (60-mile) march from Bolivia’s mountain-rimmed plains with a...
By Sarah Lynch WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is due to plead guilty on Wednesday to violating U.S. espionage law, in a deal that will end his imprisonment in Britain and allow him to return home to Australia, ending a 14-year legal odyssey. Assange, 52, has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal count of conspiring to...
Former President Abdullah Bucaram said Saturday that he resented suggestions that President Daniel Noboa might replace him as the crazy president. “I will not allow him to take my place,” Bucaram said. “I am the original ‘El Loco’ and won’t let anyone steal my title.” Bucaram, noted for his wild parties at the presidential palace...
By Juliet Kinsman “Everything is bigger in South America,” smiles Fernando Polanco, the owner of Hacienda Zuleta, as he wields an eye-wateringly large star fruit. We’re on his family’s 17th-century, 4,500-acre working dairy farm and ranch. Zuleta, which is two hours north of Quito, has a big history, a huge heart, and charming accommodations. A great example...
By Gabby Landsverk If you want to live a long, healthy life, the best time to pay attention to your heart health is right now, according to a doctor. The biggest mistake people make about heart health is waiting until it’s too late to take action, Dr. Gregory Katz, a cardiologist at NYU Langone, said. “People think...
Viernes, 21/6/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del jueves, 20/6 (1 article): 180 artistas animarán la Fiesta de la Música (180 artists will animate the Fiesta de la Música) – The Music Festival started el jueves in the Plaza de El Otorongo and will continue through el sábado, 22/6. Following is the...
By Ellen Ioanes Honduran President Xiomara Castro recently announced plans to build a “mega prison” capable of housing 20,000 people to manage the country’s crime problem. It’s part of an increasingly popular proposition in Latin American countries — fighting drug trafficking and gang violence with harsh carceral measures — but it’s also a subversion of...
The name ‘Ecuador’ comes from the Spanish word for ‘equator’: the place where the sun is at its highest. This intense sunlight not only supports food crops but other sacred and endemic species. Unearth the country’s relationship with the sun and delight in how it shapes the country today. By Sarah Gillespie The Inca sun...
In social media messages late Friday, the National Energy Control Center (Cenace) announced that “Ecuador is back to full power.” The announcement followed a day of blackouts in some areas of the country due to the shutdown of the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant earlier in the day. Cenace said that electric generation at Coca...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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