
By Maria Abi-Habib First the cartel cut its teeth with drug trafficking. Then avocados, real estate and construction companies. Now, a Mexican criminal group known for its brutality is moving in on seniors and their timeshares. The operation is relatively simple. Cartel employees posing as sales representatives call up timeshare owners, offering to buy their...
Hours before they were scheduled to begin, Energy Minister Roberto Luque said electric blackouts in six provinces are suspended. The National Electricity Corporation (CNEL) announced Saturday that power cuts would be carried out in six provinces to conduct “scheduled work to electrical infrastructure.” “The suspensions announced for tomorrow (Monday) by CNEL have not been fully...
By Jacob G. Hornberger In the final debate between Mexico’s two leading presidential candidates, Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez, before the June 2 election, both candidates vied with each other as to which one would be a stronger drug warrior. Both of them vowed to smash the violent drug cartels that dominate Mexican society. It...
By Bruce Lee The continuing spread of anti-science sentiment and misinformation and disinformation about science has become a very dark matter, so to speak. So it would make sense to hear what astrophysicist, author, and science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson has to say about it. After all, Tyson has been in the science communications space...
In the annual Report to the Nation, President Daniel Noboa claimed Friday that his government has made “great gains in restoring institutionality of the country.” He praised the work of the National Police and armed forces in the fight against criminal gangs, saying they “are the true heroes of Ecuador.” For the first time in...
Viernes, 24/5/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda de actividades para el fin de semana (Weekend activities agenda) – You can enjoy live music in the ex- Escuela Central el sábado, 25/5 a las 18:00. It will be part of the launch for the ‘Ecos Aborígenes: sonidos de Cuenca y del viento’ project (Aboriginal Echoes:...
By Kat Barandy Along the volcanic crater of Quilotoa Lagoon in Ecuador, the indigenous town of Shalalá is working to promote sustainable tourism. Here, nature is celebrated, a philosophy shown through the community’s commitment to living in symbiosis with the environment — this extends to its architectural endeavors. A new project for the town, known...
By Avery Elizabeth Hurt Want to know the current population of India? The internet is your best bet. Need a quick refresher on the phases of the moon? Go ahead, read a story online (or two or three). But if you really need to learn something, you’re probably better off with print. Or at least that’s what a lot...
Despite continuing problems at Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant, Energy Minister Roberto Luque on Thursday ruled out national blackouts until at least June 2. Previously, he had said there would be no blackouts until May 27. “Hydrological conditions are rapidly improving at the Mazar-Paute complex and the three generation stations there are approaching capacity,” Luque...
By Jim Smith Upon entering Solano Bistro, I was greeted warmly by Debby Degamo, the owner who immediately made me feel at home. This is a fairly new eating establishment in Cuenca having opened in early February. It offers breakfast, lunch and an early dinner, and is located right on the Rio Tomebamba at the...
Judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday rejected a demand by Mexico to order emergency measures after Ecuador stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito. The decision by the 15-judge panel was unanimous. ICJ presiding judge Nawaf Salam said Ecuador had already promised to protect Mexican diplomatic premises and residences and therefore there...
Miércoles, 22/5/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del martes, 21/5 (1 article): Dos fechas de OSC con ‘Juan Gabriel Sinfónico’ (Two OSC dates with ‘Juan Gabriel Sinfónico’) – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca is performing the concert, ‘Juan Gabriel Sinfónico’ on el miércoles 22/5 and el jueves 23/5 a las 20:00 in...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News