
Leaders of Ecuador’s Social Christian Party have made it clear their top choice of a presidential candidate in the 2025 presidential election is Jan Topić. Although he has not announced his political plans, Topić acknowledged Wednesday that he is “strongly considering” being a candidate on the Social Christian ticket. “There is no doubt we see...
Viernes, 17/5/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Exposición ‘Madre Tierra’ del artista Diego Buitrón (‘Mother Earth’ exhibition by the artist Diego Buitrón) – The ´Madre Tierra’ exhibit by Diego Buitrón opened el miércoles in IdiomArt (Mariscal La Mar y Estévez Toral). The show is composed of a series of 3 harmoniously correlated works: ‘Mensajes ancestrales’;...
By Graham Keeley Uncovering a multimillion-dollar aid scandal in Venezuela took great personal and professional risks for the journalists involved. Roberto Deniz, a reporter with investigative media outlet Armando Info, and his colleagues were not daunted by the task, but they did pay a heavy personal cost. That toll — and their work exposing a...
National Assemblyman Santiago Becdach and former assemblyman Diego Pinto are requesting a full investigation of “corrupt activities” by former Interior Minister José Serrano and two others. Becdach and Pinto delivered their evidence to the Attorney General’s Office Wednesday, saying it involves testimony from the trial of former comptroller Carlos Pólit, convicted of fraud last month...
Miércoles, 15/5/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Ópera Infantil ‘Tajuno y la Luna’ estrena Coro Infantil (Children’s Choir premieres the Children’s Opera ‘Tajuno and the Moon’) -‘Tajuno y la Luna’ will premier los 22 & 23/5 a las 20:00 in the Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura. The work combines music, narrative, and a...
By Julia Angwin It’s a little hard to believe that just over a year ago, a group of leading researchers asked for a six-month pause in the development of larger systems of artificial intelligence, fearing that the systems would become too powerful. “Should we risk loss of control of our civilization?” they asked. There was no pause. But...
By Lorena Baires Ecuador has pledged to strengthen its collaboration and coordination among partner nations with the support of AMERIPOL and EUROPOL through the Latin American Interior Security Committee (CLASI), as a strategy to improve security in the hemisphere, Argentine news site Infobae reports. “Today we must confront organized crime without borders,” said Ecuador’s Government...
National Assembly President Henry Kronfle said Tuesday that sanctions may be applied to Citizens Revolution Assembly members for attempting to allow fugitive Ronny Aleaga to address the Assembly via video link on Monday. The attempt occurred during a hearing in which Attorney General Diana Salazar was discussing criminal investigations. Kronfle’s reference was to President of...
Energy Minister Roberto Luque has extended the suspension of power blackout until at least May 27 but says maintenance work at several plants could require interruptions in the future. Problems at the Coca Codo Sinclair, east of Quito, continue to complicate the long-term electricity outlook, he said. “A month ago, it was the drought in...
Ecuador authorities should ensure that environmental consultations in relation to mining projects are aligned with human rights standards, notably by including all communities that will be affected by new extractive activities, and by respecting their right to freedoms of expression and assembly, a panel of UN human rights and environmental experts said Monday. “We are...
By David Gelles In central Chile, not far from where the Andes Mountains meet the Pacific Ocean, a vast swath of pristine wilderness is changing hands under the most unusual circumstances. Roberto Hagemann, a Chilean businessman who owns the 325,000-acre property, has agreed to sell the land to his longtime adversaries, a band of upstart...
Attorney General Diana Salazar walked out of a National Assembly hearing Monday when the president of the Audit Commission attempted to allow former Assembly member Ronny Aleaga to address the session by video link. Aleaga, a member of the Citizens Revolution party, fled the country in March after a warrant was issued for his arrest...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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