
Mexico’s president said Thursday that the country’s violent criminal gangs and drug cartels are essentially “respectful people” who “respect the citizenry” and mostly just kill each other. The claims by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador are clearly at odds with the reality of millions of Mexicans who live in areas dominated by drug cartels. The cartels routinely...
By Alexandra Valencia Ecuador’s foreign ministry said on Monday it has sued Mexico at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, asking it to find that Mexico’s decision to grant asylum to former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas violated international law. Glas, twice convicted of corruption and now facing fresh charges, was arrested this...
Domingo, 28/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Sucesos – En Cuenca investigan a una agrupación delictiva (Criminal group investigated in Cuenca) – Between el 23 & 24/4, there were armed assaults of 2 commercial locations in Cuenca. A man and woman entered a restaurant at Los Álamos y Paseo Tres de Noviembre la noche de miércoles. They...
Former Miss Ecuador candidate Landy Párraga was murdered Sunday while she ate at a restaurant in Quevedo in Los Ríos Province. Parraga had been under investigation in the Metastasis case because of her romantic relationship with drug kingpin Leandro Norero, alias El Patrón. According to witnesses at the shopping mall cevicheria, two men approached Párraga...
By Ana Caistor Arendar The people of Ecuador have given a resounding NO to the return of secretive, foreign corporate courts suing the Ecuadorian state for democratic decisions. In a referendum held last week, Ecuador voted to keep its constitutional ban on using international arbitration and investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms (ISDS) to settle disputes between...
By Nelson Bocanegra Thousands of protesters returned to the streets of Colombia’s major cities Saturday and Sunday to protest against the left-wing government of Gustavo Petro, whose popularity is at an all-time low. The demonstrations followed even larger turnouts last week, when an estimated 600,000 held marches in the country’s largest cities. The demonstrations were...
Energy Minister Roberto Luque announced Friday that power blackouts will be reduced to two hours on Saturday and suspended altogether on Sunday as a result of rising water levels at the Mazar-Paute hydroelectric complex. Luque said the change is partly due to lower electricity usage on weekends. “It is easier to provide relief on weekends...
Viernes, 26/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Exposición de caricaturas ‘Hoy sí vino Vini’ en La Lira (Cartoon exhibition ‘Hoy sí vino Vini’ (Vini did come today) at La Lira) – An exhibit of cartoons by artist Vinicio Jiménez Morales is open at the Casa de la Lira until el 14/5 with hours from 8:30...
Five soldiers and three civilians were killed Friday morning when their army helicopter crashed in a remote area of Tiwino canton in Pastaza Province. The civilians were officials from Ecuador’s Risk Management Secretariat. The flight was carrying food and other supplies to three Amazon communities affected by recent flooding. The crash occurred at 9:30 a.m....
By María Teresa Escobar In the hours after midnight in March, a police task force swept through the streets of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s main port and business capital. The force made 12 arrests, including seven judges and a former congressman, as part of major investigations known as “Metástasis” and “Purga” (“purge” in Spanish) which in recent...
According to Álvaro Merchante, director of the Comunicaliza polling service, President Daniel Noboa’s public popularity has remained high despite electric blackouts and the government raid on the Mexican embassy. “There was some concern in the government that the electricity crisis would negatively affect the referendum but this did not happen,” Merchante said. “Except for the...
By Tessa Flemming For years, Ecuador and Mexico looked like two countries in diplomatic harmony. Despite their political differences, the pair worked as partners tackling gang crime and migration and boasted a two-way trade of $US368 million ($562 million) in 2023. Then in early April, Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador questioned the electoral violence...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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