
If you’ve been using advanced age or physical limitations as excuses for not getting on a bicycle in Cuenca, there’s a new service in town that might change your mind. eBikes de Cuenca offers bike rentals as well as guided tours to introduce expats and Cuencanos to the many benefits of electric bicycles. The new...
The Korea Coast Guard announced that it will transfer a 3,000-ton patrol vessel to Ecuador after signing a memorandum of understanding with its defense minister on Thursday. According to the Coast Guard, Ecuadorian Defense Minister Giancarlo Loffredo signed the memorandum with the KCG to transfer the decommissioned patrol vessel — the KCG3001 — and visited...
Energy Minister Energy Roberto Luque said Wednesday that two of the three hydroelectric generation plants at the Mazar-Paute complex are increasing power output as a result of recent rains. “The reservoir levels on the Rio Paute have risen quickly over the past week, and electric production capacity is improving,” he said at a Quito news...
Miércoles, 24/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – “Cine Lux” recuerda a padre Carlos Crespi (“Cine Lux” remembers Father Carlos Crespi) – The Salesiana community is remembering Father Carlos Crespi with a schedule of social and cultural activies. The “Cine Lux” event will be mañana (jueves) a las 18:30 in the parque María Auxiliadora. There will...
The head of Mexico’s detective service acknowledged Tuesday that the country is “the champion” of fentanyl production, something that appears to run counter to past statements by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. López Obrador has hotly denied in the past that any fentanyl is produced in Mexico, saying Mexican cartels only press it into pills...
President Daniel Noboa thanked voters on Tuesday for supporting his anti-crime and anti-corruption measures in Sunday’s referendum. “The people have spoken and our next step is to work even harder,” he said. He took the occasion to also praise investigators and police for the capture of Los Lobos gang boss Fabricio Colón Pico who was...
The National Institute of Meteorology (Inamhi) reported moderate to heavy rain over most of southern Ecuador Tuesday and predicted more to come through the end of the week. In a statement, Inamhi reported the rainfall has increased the level of the Paute River that feeds the country’s largest complex of hydroelectric generation plants. Despite yesterday’s...
A Miami jury found former Ecuador Comptroller Carlos Pólit guilty of all counts Tuesday, including charges on accepting and laundering millions of dollars in bribes from the giant Brazilian construction firm Odebrecht. The prosecution proved that Pólit transferred the money to a U.S. account managed by his son who invested it in real estate and...
By Marc Jones Ecuador is scoping out new debt-for-nature swaps, one to funnel funds into the Amazon rainforest and another for a giant ocean protection zone backed by Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio, people familiar with the matter have told Reuters. The South American country is looking to build on the record-breaking $1.6 billion debt swap...
Energy Minister Roberto Luque said the government is resuming negotiations with several private companies for electricity generation services. “The talks ended in December when the country’s hydro generation improved but we’re talking again because of the new crisis,” he said. Under emergency contracting provisions, Luque said diesel or gas power generation barges could be installed...
Lunes, 22/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Exposición de artesanías (Crafts exposition) – There is a crafts show en the Casa de Arte-Museo Universitario (av. 12 de abril y Solano) until el 15/5. 13 craftspeople are showing their work as part of the Salón ARDIS de Artesanía Contemporánea. Free. Convocatoria a cineistas (Call for filmmakers)...
By Stephen Vargha A hidden gem is not immediately apparent. It therefore has received far less recognition than it deserves. On the far west side of Cuenca, three miles west of Av. de las Américas, exists a hidden gem. “I never knew about Casa Hermanos until our Ecuadorian friends recommended it,” said Michael Kaufmann. “We...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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