
Metastasis Case witnesses testified Wednesday and Thursday that key judicial officials and Rafael Correa discussed plans to overturn the convictions of the former president and former vice president Jorge Glas. In addition, the court was told of the ambitions of former national courts chief, Wilman Terán, to launch a presidential campaign from court offices. Meanwhile...
Miércoles, 10/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Semana de arte y cultura – As part of the festivities for the Founding of Cuenca, the Feria International del Libro de Cuenca opened today at the Antigua Escuela Central. In the patio and on the 2nd floor are shelves of books from bookstores and publishers. There are...
By Helen Coffey It wasn’t eavesdropping, exactly. It’s just impossible not to listen to someone’s very personal conversation when you’re sitting in a sauna together. The two women were talking about death – or, rather, preparing for death – openly, calmly and without melodrama or heightened emotion. One of them was explaining why she had spent time ensuring her affairs were...
Ecuador’s former vice president Jorge Glas attempted suicide earlier this week and is now on a hunger strike at a prison in Guayaquil to protest his arrest, his lawyer Sonia Vera and former president Rafael Correa said on Wednesday. Glas, already twice convicted of corruption and now facing fresh charges, was arrested on Friday after...
By Ali Bradley Cartels are going on social media to gather intel on Texas sheriffs at departments along the southern border, using the information to threaten and taunt law enforcement, Terrell County’s Thaddeus Cleveland says. Sheriff Cleveland has been posting to his Facebook account, showing loaded vehicles found in traffic stops made by Terrell County officials in...
By Bryan Harris and Hannah Murphy Brazil’s attorney-general has demanded “urgent regulation” of social media sites after Elon Musk threatened to disobey a court order banning certain profiles on his X platform and after he called for a Supreme Court justice to “resign or be impeached”. “It is urgent to regulate social networks,” said Jorge...
Despite threats of sanctions against Ecuador for its raid on the Mexican embassy, most international law experts believe the conversation will soon turn to reconciliation. “Situations like this one always begin with angry rhetoric but eventually calm down and talks begin to repair the damage,” says Carlos Estarellas, former government minister and law professor. “Today,...
By Regina Garcia and Gabriela Molina While world leaders have expressed shock and bewilderment over Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa’s decision to raid Mexico’s embassy last Friday, the extraordinarily unusual move — and Noboa’s relative silence about it — is unlikely to hurt him with his constituents. In fact, it’s exactly the sort of no-holds-barred crimefighting...
By Michele Bertelli The alarm rang at 7am, summoning everyone in the main square. Protesters boarded three trucks, normally used to transport livestock. The convoy carried them close to the nearby town of Palo Quemado, home to the mining project of La Plata in northwestern Ecuador, 130km (81 miles) from the capital Quito. Since last July,...
By Genevieve Glatsky Ecuador’s decision to send police officers into the Mexican Embassy to arrest a politician who had taken refuge there inflamed tensions between two countries that were already at odds, but it may prove a political boon for the Ecuadorian president. President Daniel Noboa has been faced with flagging approval ratings amid rising...
As the 90-day national emergency ended on Sunday, President Daniel Noboa issued an executive decree authorizing the continued use of the armed forces to support police in law enforcement operations. Military troops will also remain on duty in prisons, according to the decree. In a statement, the presidential office justified use of troops due to...
Lunes, 8/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Ya se sienten efectos de crisis diplomática (Effects of diplomatic crisis already felt) – See Monday’s articles in CHL. Cuenca – Poca rentabilidad influye al concesionar baños públicos (Low profitability influences the concession of public restrooms) – <Can you think of any story more local than public bathrooms...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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