
By Kayla Hana From calling flip-flops slippahs to eating the most SPAM per capita in the U.S., Hawaii sure has its share of quirks. (We don’t wave: we give shaka.) That charm doesn’t end with our people, our funky flora and fauna (protea and Happy Face Spiders, to name just two), or our trippy little...
By La Croix International staff Pope Francis, along with other Church leaders, called for “radical fraternity” to heal a world fractured by division, poverty, and environmental crises during the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador. The congress has drawn thousands from over 40 countries. Pope Francis, currently on his 11-day journey to Indonesia, Papua...
Industry and government officials say the reduction of gold exports is a sign that law enforcement operations against illegal mining are working. In the first six months of 2024, gold exports totaled $545 million compared to $654 million in the same period of 2023. “The reduction is even more impressive when you consider the price...
In a late-night meeting of the National Assembly’s Oversight Commission Monday, members voted not to proceed with an impeachment trial against Attorney General Diana Salazar. During a session marked by shouting and insults, commission President Pamela Aguirre of the Citizens Revolution party attempted to suspend the meeting and was replaced by Vice President Luis Alvarado...
By Sebastián Vera Juan Ramírez uses all his strength to move the blue plastic trash containers toward him. The stench is intense, but he does not wear a mask. He also lacks gloves. Nevertheless, he opens the bags and collects everything he can recycle – paper, plastic, metal, cardboard – to place it in his...
Ecuador’s Ministry of Mining and the Azuay Chamber of Mining have called a city of Cuenca report on the Loma Linda gold mine “misleading, inaccurate and unnecessary.” In addition, the Mining Ministry said the city overstepped its authority in researching the project near Giron, claiming it is the national government’s responsibility to conduct environmental studies....
By Lottie Limb Before visiting Ecuador, the eponymous equator wasn’t the most eagerly-anticipated moment on my bucket list trip. There were giant tortoises to meet, cloud forests to climb and Indigenous markets to explore. But the Quitsato Sundial, 50 kilometres north of Quito, was a surprise highlight. One that has made me an advocate for...
Former Venezuelan opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has fled into exile after being granted asylum in Spain, delivering a major blow to millions who placed their hopes in his upstart campaign to end two decades of single-party rule. The surprise departure of the man considered by Venezuela’s opposition and most foreign governments to be the...
Millions of Ecuador were without electricity Saturday morning as a result of an electrical short circuit at a power transfer station near Paute. The blackout, which affected 11 or the country’s 24 provinces, lasted three or four hours for most customers, but in some areas, power was not restored for six or seven hours. According...
Viernes, 2/8/2024 Hola, Todos – I will be taking a 2-week vacation starting el lunes, 8/9 and resuming translating el 23/9. Actividades – Festival de Artes (Arts Festival) – The 9th edition of the Festival de Artes para Niñas y Niños “Lirón Lirón: Abrazar con la Mirada” will be on los 7 & 8/9. The...
By Jim Smith In today’s world, expats face many challenges when living in new countries, like dealing with language barriers, cultural differences, healthcare, and managing money. AI, or artificial intelligence, is becoming a key helper for expats, offering solutions that make life easier. Artificial Intelligence is like having a super-smart computer that can learn and...
By Brett Wilkins A Brazilian judge on Thursday ordered two slaughterhouses and three ranchers to pay $764,000 in combined penalties for trading cattle raised in a protected area of the Amazon rainforest. The decision by Judge Inês Moreira da Costa in Rondônia — the most severely deforested state in the Brazilian Amazon — came in...

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Fund Grace News

The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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