
Lunes, 25/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Dos días de música sacra – The 2nd folkloric festival of sacred music “Plegarias de mi tierra (Prayers from my land) will be el 27 & 28/3 a las 20:00 in the Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura. The cultural corporation DIZA is organizing the event which...
Seven members of the Citizens Revolution National Assembly delegation are being called “traitors” and “Judases” for joining the majority Thursday in supporting the passage of President Daniel Noboa’s tourism law. “It gives me great sadness as we approach Holy Week that seven Judases in our midst voted in favor of a law that ultimately harms...
By Kate Dore Millions of Americans are scrambling to file returns as the federal tax deadline approaches. But U.S. expatriates have extra filing rules — and the burden is making some expats question their American citizenship. Nearly one-third of U.S. expats have plans to renounce their American citizenship or are “seriously considering it,” according to a new survey from Greenback Expat Tax Services....
By Stephen Vargha Many foreigners who reside in Ecuador have expressed at some time their frustrations about the lack of communication and consensus from governmental agencies. This has led to a third “C”: Confusion. A March 11 CuencaHighLife article about the Ecuadorian income tax created what could be described as a firestorm. On social media,...
Vice President Veronica Abad is claiming that Thursday’s arrest her son, Francisco Barreiro, came on orders from President Daniel Noboa and that Noboa’s intention is to force her to resign. “Without a doubt, this is part of a plan to force my resignation and leave me here in Israel,” Abad said, adding that she has...
By Eduardo Cuevas and Karen Weintraub More than a year after catching COVID-19, Sawyer Blatz still can’t practice his weekly rituals: running for miles in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park or biking around his adopted hometown. In many ways, the pandemic isn’t over for the 27-year-old and millions of other Americans. It may never be. They...
By Jeannine Mancini A discussion on an online platform has unveiled a shared sentiment among millennials regarding their upbringing by baby boomer parents, specifically highlighting a perceived lack of preparedness for adult life. The conversation, initiated by a 38-year-old woman on Reddit in January, reflects on personal experiences and seeks input from others on how they...
By Surita Sandosham The Covid-19 pandemic, protests by indigenous groups and El Niño flooding have landed devastating blows to poor Ecuadorians who live in precarious situations. Add to these, the disruptions of recent drug gang violence affecting some areas of the country and it is easy to see the difficulty faced by those at the bottom...
Viernes, 22/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 23/3, 8:00 – Recorrido – Guided visits to Cathedrals – Catedral Vieja. 24/3, 9:00 – Feria – Ramos ecológicos (ecological branches) <I think for Palm Sunday – there are some endangered species of palms you should not harvest.> – Calle del Artista. 25/3, 20:00 -Concierto...
By Harriet Welty Rochefort Unlike most countries, the U.S. does not treat its expatriates well. Far from being considered an element of “soft power,” as expats from other countries are seen by their governments, millions of American living abroad are instead treated like people who, somehow, have betrayed their country and, therefore, do not deserve...
By Lorena Baires On February 15, Ecuador ratified a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China, becoming the fourth Latin American country to establish a trade agreement with the Asian country. The agreement, however, raises concerns about the potential environmental and social impacts, as critics fear that the FTA will facilitate the entry of toxic waste...
By Roni Caryn Rabin Surgeons in Boston have transplanted a kidney from a genetically engineered pig into an ailing 62-year-old man, the first procedure of its kind. If successful, the breakthrough offers hope to hundreds of thousands of Americans whose kidneys have failed. So far, the signs are promising. Kidneys remove waste products and excess fluid...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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