
“We need the government to protect us,” says Yesenia Hidalgo, president of the Ecuadorian Association of Magistrates and Judges (AEMJ). She claims that judges, prosecutors and public defenders face continuing threats from criminal organizations, especially in cases involving drug gang members. “We have witnessed murders of some of our associates and we expect the threats...
By Maxwell Radwin By now, dozens of countries have some version of a forestry incentive program, with the government paying local property owners to keep their trees in the ground. But a lot of the programs have come under scrutiny because they’re easy to manipulate and hard to monitor. The one in Ecuador, Socio Bosque,...
By Ray Horsley I have to respectfully disagree with the recent article in CuencaHighLife that had suggestions for staying young. I agree with one of the comments that dying my hair is silly. It also risks contracting cancer, but my real objection goes beyond hair dying. It’s to the overall approach in this article, an...
The Ecuador Chamber of Mining condemned violence Wednesday and Thursday at the La Plata mining project in Cotopaxi Province. “Those involved in attacking representatives of the mining company and police should be arrested and prosecuted,” said Chamber president María Eulalia Silva. “More important, legally sanctioned mining projects in Ecuador must have permanent protection against criminals...
Miércoles, 20/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – 50 años del Festival de Cuy (50 years of the Cuy Festival) – The 50th Cuy Festival will be el domingo, 24/3 starting a las 9:00 in the central plaza in Ricaurte. In addition to cuy, there will be other dishes typical of Ricaurte. The celebration marks the...
By David Schuman Minnesota is home to more than half a million immigrants. Census data shows most of them came here from Mexico and Somalia. More recently though, the state is seeing hundreds of people fleeing Ecuador and seeking asylum in Minnesota. For hours, people hold out their thumbs and swarm to any car that...
By Catalina Oquendo The fight to decriminalize abortion in Latin America is no longer a tide but a tsunami. This Tuesday Ecuadorian women are taking a step similar to the one that led Colombian, Mexican and Argentine women to achieve progress in the battle for access to abortion. This Wednesday, organizations that belong to the National...
By Dana G. Smith The cleaning industry experienced a boom during the first years of the pandemic. Covid-19 cleaning protocols in schools, stores and other public spaces ratcheted up, with a spray and a wipe-down becoming de rigueur on every surface after every use. Fear of the coronavirus also prompted people to use more disinfectant...
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) announced Tuesday that it will stage a protest Friday at a mining site east of Quito. “We are forced to confront all mining activity that affects indigenous territory, and we will do this through confrontation and resistance, if necessary,” Conaie President Leonidas Iza said. Conaie objects to...
By Garry Vatcher When I was just a little boy, a long, long time ago, my mother was really worried about a loan payment that was due. My father worked away from home and he called to say he had to work overtime and it would be a few days before he would be back...
By Barbara Brosco Let’s be honest! No one wants to get old. Yet, days go by, years roll along, and the next thing you know, right along with everyone else your age, you have arrived! The aging process sneaks upon us like a thief in the night, and if we live long enough to experience...
By Mauricio Savarese  Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was formally accused Tuesday of falsifying his Covid-19 vaccination status, marking the first indictment for the embattled far-right leader, with more allegations potentially in store. The federal police indictment released by the Supreme Court alleged that Bolsonaro and 16 others inserted false information into a public health...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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