
By Gabriela Barzallo  “In a’ingae, my native language, the words oil, contamination, and cancer did not exist until Texaco arrived on our lands,” says Don Arturo, an elder among the A’i Kofán Siangoé people, one of Ecuador’s 11 Amazonian communities. The A’i Kofán worldview is based on an intimate relationship with nature and its environment,...
By Jeremiah Reardon A new exhibition by Peruvian artist Alberto Soriano, El Encanto de la Imaginacion y El Color, opens Wednesday, March 13, at 6 p.m. at the idiomArt Gallery and Community Center, Mariscal Lamar 14-25 y Estevez de Toral. The show will run for ten days. Wine and snacks will be served at the...
President Daniel Noboa said he and Attorney General Diana Salazar receive death threats almost daily. “She and I talk about this and compare the messages we get,” the president said Friday at a prison safety conference. “The messages we receive are an indication that we are doing our job by attacking the criminal organizations that...
By Garry Vatcher The Value added tax (VAT) or IVA refund for seniors is one benefit that stirs up much debate and emotion within the expat community. Some consider it a benefit they are entitled to while others feel the money should be left in government coffers to help the disadvantaged of the community. Given...
By Matthew Bristow and Stephan Kueffner It’s the kind of opportunity most leaders can hardly fathom: voters rallying behind a government that is raising taxes, clearing the way for more oil drilling and planning to slash fuel subsidies. Ecuador’s 36-year-old President Daniel Noboa is overhauling the nation’s economic model in a way that would likely...
By Stephen Vargha Many are familiar with the refrain from Gomer Pyle. The fictional character in the town of Mayberry was played by Jim Nabors and was a regular of The Andy Griffith Show. “Sur-prise, sur-prise, sur-prise!” Gomer said it all of the time. And many expats in Cuenca are saying it right now. It...
Former Correista National Assemblyman Ronny Aleaga and 12 others are facing prosecution in the latest phase of the Attorney General’s Metastasis case investigation. Prosecutors said Friday there is sufficient evidence to begin proceeding against Aleaga, an alleged collaborated with drug trafficker Leandro Norero, alias El Patrón, and others said to be part of a criminal...
Viernes, 8/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 9/3, 9:00 – Recorrrido (Tour) – Guided visit – Museo Remigio Crespo. 11/3, 9:00 – Muestra (exhibit) – Yo, Río – Museo Universitario. 12/3, 17:00 – Conversatorio (Discusion) – El camarote de Santa Marta – Auditorio de las Monjas. 14/3, 20:00 – Concierto – Performance...
By Robyn White Archaeologists have shed light on the origins of chocolate by tracing the spread of the cacao tree. A new study published in Scientific Reports found that the cacao tree, which grows cocoa beans, seems to have begun spreading from the Amazon to other regions at least 5,000 years ago via human migration and trading routes. “Humans...
Ecuador’s 60-day state of emergency to combat organized crime and prison violence is showing impressive results, according to National Police Commander Cesar Zapata. “We are seeing positive results of the war against narco terrorism and expect the trend to continue beyond the emergency periods,” Zapata said Wednesday. Zapata reported that murders have declined 18% so...
The president of Ecuador’s Judiciary Council calls Monday’s arrests at the Guayas Provincial Court headquarters a “good start” to uprooting corruption in the country’s justice system but says much more needs to be done. “If the allegations presented by prosecutors are proven – and the evidence is very convincing — they show the alarming extent...
By Adam Jourdan Julia Quispe Tincuta remembers the first time she reached the peak of Bolivia’s Huayna Potosi mountain, where she and other Aymara Indigenous women had long worked cooking or carrying gear for other climbers to reach base camp. “When I arrived at the summit I felt like I was in the air, like...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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