
Appeals judges at the International Criminal Court ruled Friday that an investigation into alleged crimes against humanity committed by Venezuelan security forces under President Nicolás Maduro‘s rule during a crackdown on anti-government protests in 2017 may proceed. Appeals panel Presiding Judge Marc Perrin de Brichambaut said that the court “rejects the appeals” brought by Venezuela. The ruling was...
In a meeting with Wall Street investors on Friday, President Daniel Noboa said Ecuador hopes to secure a $3 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund in the coming weeks. Following his comments, Ecuador’s country’s risk rating fell to 1,341 points, the lowest in three years. During the meeting, Noboa also detailed the progress his...
Viernes, 1/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Una ruta para conocer El Vado y sus alrededores (A route to get to know El Vado and its surroundings) – The Centro Histórico of Cuenca has a countless number of routes that can bring you closer to the history, gastronomy and entertainment that the city offers. This...
The Greenpeace research ship Arctic Sunrise arrived in the Galapagos Islands Thursday to begin a six-week study of Galapagos Marine Reserve ecosystems. The ship docked in Puerto Ayora, the main port on Santa Cruz Island, and will begin its work next week. According to project director Ruth Robles, the Greenpeace mission is aimed at assisting...
By Liam Higgins The countdown is underway for the February 2025 national elections, whether voters are ready for it or not. “We’re all suffering from election whiplash as a result of the cross death disruptions but the next campaign has begun,” says political science professor and newspaper columnist David Chávez. He adds: “And the political...
By Ilaria Grasso Environmentalists and tourism groups have hailed the Ecuadorian government’s decision to double the entry fee to the Galapagos National Park for foreign visitors, with the proceeds going to fund conservation and sustainability projects in the islands. Entry for Ecuadorian residents will increase from $6 to $30. From 1 August 2024, entry prices...
A panel of U.N.-backed human rights experts on Thursday accused Nicaragua ‘s government of committing “serious systematic human rights violations, tantamount to crimes against humanity.” The allegation follows an investigation into the country’s expanding crackdown on political dissent. The government of President Daniel Ortega has gone after opponents for years, hitting a turning point with...
The World Food Travel Association, an organization promoting culinary tourism, has added Cuenca to its Culinary Capitals network. Cuenca is the first city in Latin America named to the network. Ecuadorians recognize Cuenca as the food capital of Ecuador. And while the entire country has great food, if travelers want the best of the best,...
Ecuadorians continue to rank public security as the country’s most important issue, according to new public opinion surveys. Overwhelmingly, they also say that the “internal conflict” with organized criminal gangs is affecting their employment and businesses. A survey by Multitrabajos showed 55% of respondents rated security their number one concern followed by unemployment and underemployment...
Miércoles, 28/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Villficencio, asesinado por alias “El Invisible” (Villavicencio, killed by alias “El Invisible”) – See today’s article in CHL for story. Cuenca – Se puede pedir la devolución del IVA (VAT refunds can be claimed) – People with disabilities or their substitutes and senior citizens can ask for a...
By Jinping Xu Although about 1 in 8 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime, only about 1 in 44 will die from it. Most men diagnosed with prostate cancer die from other causes, especially those with a low-risk prostate cancer that usually grows so slowly it isn’t life-threatening....
Government Minister Mónica Palencia confirmed Wednesday that the armed forces will remain on the streets and in the prisons after the state of emergency ends April 7. “Acts of violence, including murders, have dropped significantly as a result of the military assistance and our intention is to continue this progress,” she said. Last week, President...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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