
Police and military officials say they are looking into “high tech” methods of stopping drone attacks like the one that occurred early Thursday morning at La Roca high security prison in Guayaquil. According to the police report, a drone carrying 40 pounds of explosives landed on the prison roof and was detonated “in a controlled...
A review by Ecuador’s Comptroller’s Office says the country’s electricity crisis could have been avoided. In a report released Wednesday, the Comptroller blames poor management, lack of communication, delayed maintenance and stalled projects for the blackouts in late 2023 and early 2024. Even as new blackouts loom as a result of the prolonged drought, the...
By Daryl Austin In a newly published study, Stanford scientists reveal we don’t age gradually, as has been traditionally believed. Instead, we age at two significant “bursts” across our post-puberty lifespan: one in our mid-40s, the other in our early 60s. The molecular changes that occur during each period could explain seeming sudden signs of...
By Barbara Espinosa In 2015, the inhabitants of Ecuador’s Valley of the Volcanoes, south of Quito, were awakened by a thunderous explosion. A radio announcement explained what was happening and gave them a decisive order: “Lahars are coming down from Cotopaxi; they have 20 minutes to evacuate.” Cotopaxi is an active volcano that is close...
Four fires that ignited late Tuesday spread rapidly on Wednesday, sending thick smoke over much of Quito. The mayor’s office issued a warning to city residents Wednesday afternoon, advising them to stay indoors due to deteriorating air quality, warning of eye and throat irritation. The fires, in the Chilibulo, Nayón, Pifo and La Merced districts...
Miércoles, 4/9/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Muestra pictória – The exhibition “Paisajes del verde al metal” (Landscapes from green to metal) by artist Diana Márquez is showing until el 7/9 in the Salón del Pueblo “Efraín Jara Idrovo” (Sucre y Benigno Malo). Free. El cuerpo, mente y espíritu sanan con la musicoterapia (Body, mind...
Protests by truckers in Colombia, who are angry at an increase in diesel prices, have cut off the country’s biggest cities and are threatening fuel supplies, though the government insists the hike is fair. The truckers’ strike and roadblocks, combined with attacks on the Cano Limon-Covenas and Bicentenario pipelines, also threaten operations at state-run oil...
Although the national Risk Management office says the forest fires in Loja and Azuay Provinces are “substantially contained,” large areas continue to burn. The largest fire, near Quilanga in Loja Province, has consumed more than 7,600 hectares of forest and farmland, destroyed at least 25 homes and farm buildings, and displaced 80 families. An estimated...
By Jan Hoffman The message emblazoned on a walkway window at the airport in Burlington, Vermont, is a startling departure from the usual tourism posters and welcome banners: “Addiction is not a choice. It’s a disease that can happen to anyone.” The statement, part of a public service campaign in a community assailed by drug...
By Lorena Baires The Coca Codo Sinclair Hydroelectric Power Plant, built by the Chinese company SinoHydro and described as the largest engineering project in Ecuador’s history, is in danger of collapse. A series of structural defects, the accumulation of sediments due to the lack of floodgate filters, as well as a process of river erosion,...
The vice president of the National Electoral Council Enrique Pita said Monday that President Daniel Noboa must resign to run for reelection. “The president or any other elected official must temporarily resign if they register to run again for office,” Pita said in an interview with Teleamazonas. “This is the law and it is the...
Monday, 5/8/2024 Hello, Everyone – Activities- Symphonies make duet – An orchestral trip through Guayas and Cuenca will happen on Friday, 6/9 in the concert, “Symphony of two cities <directed by Maestro Charles Dickens>) The Youth Symphonic Orchestra of Guayaquil from the Casa de la Cultura, Ecuatoriana-Núcleo del Guayas will join the Orquesta Sinfónica de...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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