
With President Daniel Noboa’s referendum election less than two months away, political parties are making their positions known. On the “yes” side are Noboa’s National Democratic Action (ADN), the Social Democrats (PSC), Construye and Creating Opportunities (CREO). Supporting a “no” position are Citizens Revolution and Pachakutik. “We say yes to the extradition of criminals, to...
Prosecutors have formally charged six members of the Los Lobos gang with the August 2023 assassination of Fernando Villavicencio. Villavicencio, who was a candidate for president, was gunned down following a political rally August 9 in Quito. According to prosecutor Ana Hidalgo, Los Lobos leader Carlos Angulo, alias El Invisible, planned and ordered the murder...
By Stephen Vargha Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France had the famous Dutch painter. Cuenca has Diego Sánchez. “I love van Gogh and Rembrandt,” said Sánchez. “I love to show the spirit if the people of Cuenca.” Sánchez, 47, is a self-taught impressionist artist. The Cuencano loves the artform, which was developed in France in the nineteenth century. The...
Peru declared a health emergency in most of its provinces on Monday due to a growing number of dengue cases that are occurring at a time of higher than usual temperatures caused by the El Nino weather pattern. In neighboring Ecuador, dengue infections are also on the rise although the government has not yet declared...
Lunes, 26/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – El TLC con Costa Ria favorecerá a Cuenca (FTA with Costa Rica will benefit Cuenca) – The Asamblea Nacional ratified el Acuerdo de Asociación Comercial (Trade Partnership Agreement) with Costa Rica, benefitting more than 300 products currently entering that market. Felipe Rivadeneira, president of the Federación Ecuatoriana de...
President Daniel Noboa confirmed Monday he will run for reelection in February 2025. Earlier, he said he would “probably” run but was considering private business options as well. In an interview with CNN International, the president said the current 17-month term does not provide enough time to accomplish his objectives. “The cross death declaration means...
President Daniel Noboa said Saturday he plans to extend the state of emergency for thirty days, beginning March 8 when the current declaration ends. “We must add the additional 30 days since we still have problems to solve,” he said. “We have made excellent progress fighting crime and terrorism in the first six weeks of...
By Mayela Armas and Vivian Sequera Venezuela’s recent abrupt reversal in its nascent rapprochement with the United States and domestic opponents is likely a response to declining support among its traditional base, according to sources close to the ruling party, voters and analysts. After months of thawing U.S. relations, the administration of President Nicolas Maduro has done a...
Domingo, 25/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Los secretos de Van Gogh en un recorrido inmersivo (The secrets of Van Gogh in an immersive tour) – If you’ve ever imagined being inside a work of art, <and you’re a sick puppy if your work of art is “The Scream” or hell in “The Garden of...
By MikeTrebilcock With cobble-stone streets, colonial architecture, tree-lined parks, and historic churches, this quaint, overseas gem just beckons visitors to explore on foot. Cuenca is clearly meant for walking. Not only is the temperature a perfect cool for exercise, and the people genuinely congenial, the combination of flower-filled balconies, and tree-lined walkways – some along...
My recent Amigos Falsos article about the pit and pratfalls of false cognates unleased a landslide of comments and funny examples of more awkward expat Spanglish errors. A person called Wonder Woman reminds us that tercero y trasero are easily confused. The first means third, the second means derriere, pardon my French. Your trasero  may be a tesoro, but make sure you know...
By Piedra Silva Orange-clad prisoners line up with military precision to exercise and sweep floors at an Ecuador prison where drug lords once enjoyed jacuzzis and nightclubs, and stashed drugs and weapons in the walls. The windows and walls of the Latacunga prison south of Quito are still pockmarked with bullet holes, the vestiges of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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