
Ecuador health authorities are on alert following four recent deaths from dengue fever. According to the Public Health Ministry, 5,337 dengue cases have been reported so far in 2024, a 10-fold increase from the same period of 2023. The largest number of infections are concentrated in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas Province, with 994, followed...
By Shannon O’Neil When policymakers consider national security, they tend to think first of military capabilities: the weaponry and ammunition a country possesses, the state of its armed forces, its border defenses, its surveillance and cybersecurity. Since 2020, however, U.S. national security strategy has taken a sharply commercial turn. The COVID-19 pandemic and its huge...
Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld confirmed Monday that Ecuador will not send Soviet-era military equipment to the U.S. since it could be used in Ukraine against Russian troops. The announcement is a reversal of a January plan to trade the equipment for $200 million in new equipment from the U.S. Ecuador’s decision was announced Friday by...
The National Assembly meets again Thursday to decide the fate of legislation to revise the country’s penal code. Assembly President Henry Kronfle suspended last week’s debate after the Justice Commission added a controversial measure that could lead to reviewing and possibly overturning criminal convictions, including that of former president Rafael Correa. Although the measure appeared...
By James Kirchick Fourteen years ago, at a human rights conference in Oslo, I met Julian Assange. From the moment I encountered the wraithlike WikiLeaks founder, I sensed that he might be a morally dubious character. My suspicions were confirmed upon witnessing his speech at the conference, in which he listed Israel alongside Iran and...
Ecuadorians are joining the international trend of tapping into the internet and digital connections and abandoning landline telephones and television rabbit ears. According to data from the 2022- 2023 census, 87% of households have at least one cellphone while landline phone connections dropped to 21% in 2022 from 34% in 2010. At the same time,...
By Christine Chung On a recent Thursday morning in Queens, travelers streamed through the exterior doors of La Guardia Airport’s Terminal C. Some were bleary-eyed — most hefted briefcases — as they checked bags and made their way to the security screening lines. It was business as usual, until some approached a line that was almost...
Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part series. Part 2 posts February 26. Chatty Anglophones learning Spanish often make the acquaintance of amigos falsos, false cognates or words that sound the same but have different meanings. In addition to near-miss translation errors, the Pan-American Highway is littered with instances where the same Spanish words means...
In a deal brokered behind the scenes, possibly by the U.S. and Russian ambassadors, Ecuador said Friday it is reconsidering sending Russian military equipment to the U.S. The equipment, that President Daniel Noboa called “scrap metal,” had been donated to Ecuador by the Russian government more than a decade ago. The government communication office confirmed...
Viernes, 16/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 17/2, a las 13:00 – Screening – Cinema Libre – Casa de las Posadas. 19/2 a las 14:30 – Workshop – Pottery making – Centro Los Sauces. 20/2 a las 9:00 – Exposición – La agonía de Bolívar – Quinta Bolívar. <I wonder if Bolívar’s...
Venezuela’s government on Thursday ordered the local United Nations office on human rights to suspend operations and gave its staff 72 hours to leave, accusing it of assisting coup plotters and terrorist groups. Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil announced the decision at a news conference in Caracas, which came amid heightened concerns that the government...
By Diego Lopez Marina In a February 14 statement, the Ecuadorian Bishops’ Conference expressed its “profound concern and disagreement” with the Constitutional Court’s February 7 decision to decriminalize euthanasia in the country. “Human life is sacred and inviolable. Any complicity with death ends up being paid for by the weakest and most vulnerable. A society...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News