Fight develops for control of Cuenca’s football stadium; Referendum set for April 21; Casa Yangoe supports local artisans, farmers; Cultural agenda

Feb 17, 2024 | 0 comments

Viernes, 16/2/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Agenda cultural –
17/2, a las 13:00 – Screening – Cinema Libre – Casa de las Posadas.
19/2 a las 14:30 – Workshop – Pottery making – Centro Los Sauces.
20/2 a las 9:00 – Exposición – La agonía de Bolívar – Quinta Bolívar. <I wonder if Bolívar’s agony was the same as modern long distance bike riders? His nickname was IronAss because of all the time he spent in the saddle riding around liberating South America from the Spanish.>
21/2 a las 15:00 – Meeting – Club de Lectura (Reading club) – Biblioteca de Sayausí.

Casa Yangoe, located in a restored patrimonial house on Benigno Malo and Calle Larga, allows artisans and organic farmers to sell directly to customers.

De El Mercurio del jueves, 15/2/2024 >(2 articles):
Joyas y tejidos (Jewelry and textiles) – There is a show and sale of jewelry from Chordeleg and weavings from the “Tejemujeres” group at the Aceleradora Cultural de las Casa de la Cultura (Luis Cordero 7-26 y Pres. Córdova) until el 8/3. Hours are from 10-18:00, lunes a viernes. Free.

Ciclo de Cine Palestino se realizará en Cuenca (Palestinian Film Series to be held in Cuenca) – This film cycle started el jueves and will run until el 22/2. The remaining events will be “The Idol” which will screen on el 20/2 a las 19:00 in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco at th CCE. “El Muro de Hierro” will be shown el 21/2 a las 19:00 in the Teatrina de la Casa de la Provincia. The series will close el 22/2 a las 19:00 in IdiomArt with music and a tasting of Arab-Palestinian desserts. <Things with flakey pastry and honey syrup that make my teeth ache just thinking about them.>

Titular –

El Cabildo debatió la situación del estadio (The Cabildo discussed the situation of the stadium) – In question is a bailment on the Alejandro Serrano Aguilar stadium. <I can´t tell from the article who currently has control of the stadium. I think the mayor and city have control, and the Federación Deportiva del Azuay (FDA), which is the main renter of the space, wants control <or vice versa>. The FDA asked a judge to make the city available for a meeting with the FDA to come to a mutual agreement. For Edwin Loyola, president of the FDA, a co-administration of the stadium would be the most convenient solution. <If any of you can figure out all the legal terms and what’s going on, let me know.> Last week, a South American sports federation announced the stadium, particularly its lighting system, was substandard and could not be used in its championship series.

Cuenca –

Casa Yangoe, una vitrina artesanal y 100% orgánica (Casa Yangoe, an artisanal and 100% organic showcase) – Casa Yangoe was started in 2021 by the Vázquez family, to promote the sales of handcrafted and organic items at a fair price for the producers. It is located in a restored patrimonial house on Benigno Malo and calle Larga. The family works with more than 30 organic farms and more than 100 craftspeople. Products include conserves, craft beers, ponchos, handbags, purses, and shirts from all over Ecuador. <Yes, but do they have shirts in XXXL for all of us fat gringos?>

To sell in the Casa, the organizers want to know that the products are completely organic and that the objects have been created by the craftsperson. <So if you look at the bottom of the pot or vase, it won’t say “Made in China.”> All of the items sold have a tag with the name of the family that made it, its origin, and the number of hours it took to make. The reason is so that the public is conscious of the effort to make each piece and to value the work of the craftsperson. <None of this “I saw the same thing at Coral and it was 1/4 the price,” BS> Hours are from 9:00 – 20:00 lunes a jueves, 9:00 – 00:00 los viernes, and 9:00 – 20:00 los sábados. The price paid for the organic products and crafts all goes to the campesinos and artisans. To sustain the space, there is a cafeteria in the Casa.

Urban mural in Mariscal Lamar (Urban mural in Mariscal Lamar Airport) – As of jueves, there is a new mural by young artist Luis Alberto Choco in the Mariscal Lamar Airport. Titled “Caliedoscopio: La festividad en la Pintura Urbana de Cuenca,” it shows things characteristic of the canton including the Chola Cuencana, Catedral Nueva, cuy and mote <Which I’m sure a lot of you don’t want to see anywhere near your dining table.> The mural is part of the “Cuenca, Bienal y Muralismo” Project of the Bienal Foundation.

Programa para culminar primaria y secundaria (Primary and secondary school completion program) – In febrero, the Ministerio de Educación is offering programs for people who want to complete primary and high school in Azuay, Cañar, or Morona Santiago. To participate in these free programs, there are some requirements: a least 15 years of age for post literacy and higher primary and 1 years for intensive high school. You also need the certificate of promotion to the last year of schooling. Call 098 107 3252 in Azuay, 098 726 4831 in Cañar, and 099 807 0949 in Morona Santiago. Or register at the educational district closest to your home.

Nacional –

De El Mercurio del jueves, 15/2/2024 (1 article):
Consulto Popular y Referéndum para 21 de abril (Popular Consultation and Referendum for April 21st) -The full body of the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) declared the start of the election period for the Popular Consultation and Referendum. The elections will be held el 21/4. <If you´ve lived here long enough, have you registered to vote? Do you care or do you think spouting off on a gringo web site will change anything in Ecuador?>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). If information is incorrect, it is the responsibility of El Mercurio. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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