
President Daniel Noboa signed a free trade agreement with China on Thursday. The agreement, which was approved by the National Assembly last week, opens markets for dozens of Ecuadorian agricultural and seafood exports and reduces the cost of thousands of Chinese products to consumers. The Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry will negotiate final details of...
By Anastasia Austin The Ecuadorian city of Durán went from relative obscurity to being splashed across international headlines when its homicide rate began to skyrocket in June 2023. Since President Daniel Noboa declared war against Ecuador’s gangs on January 9, homicides in Durán and most of the rest of the country have dropped dramatically. But this militarized...
By Paola Lopez Shielded by the jungle for hundreds of years, the remains of a massive 2,500-year-old network of Ecuadoran cities are being threatened by road and farm encroachment just as its long-held secrets are being revealed, researchers say. Traces of an Amazonian “lost city” were first discovered in 1978, but the full extent of...
The National Assembly continues debate Thursday on changes to the criminal code, with some members warning of a provision that could allow criminals to go free. In a late addition to the legislation, the Assembly’s Justice Commission, controlled by the Citizens Revolution, proposes opening criminal investigation records to the Assembly and other public entities. The...
Miércoles, 14/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Happy El Día del Amor y la Amistad Titular – Imposición de la Ceniza en el Día del amor y amistad (Imposition of Ash on the Day of Love and Friendship) – This year, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day are commemorated on the same day. The faithful who went to...
By David Leonhardt Much of the world has decided that most young children do not need to receive Covid booster shots. It’s true in Britain, France, Japan, Australia and many other countries. Some countries, like India, have gone further. They say that otherwise healthy children do not need even an initial Covid vaccination. In Germany,...
The new president of Ecuador’s Social Security Institute (IESS) is recommending “drastic and immediate” changes to the system. “Our members need to pay more and remain in the system longer to ensure the sustainability of pensions and health services,” according to Eduardo Peña. In addition, Peña says that more independent workers should be recruited for...
By Vanessa Buschschlüter Rights groups have expressed concern for Venezuelan activist Rocío San Miguel, who has not been heard from since she was arrested on Friday. Ms San Miguel is a vocal critic of President Nicolás Maduro’s government. She has been accused by the prosecutor general, who is a close ally of Mr, Maduro, of...
One of the many pleasures of living near Paute is the heartfelt encouragement the city’s Office of the Mayor offers to participate in the many celebrations that sugar-coat the calendar. This generosity of spirit encourages those who might otherwise feel left behind to experience the liberating joy of expressing one’s personal identity while uniting with...
Lunes, 12/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Ecuador tendrá 151 asambleístas (Ecuador will have 151 assembly members) – In the next general election on el 9/2/2025, The number of asambleístas voters need to select will rise from 137 to 151. The number of assembly members is defined by the last census. Until 2023, the number...
By Stephen Vargha Thia Megia, the Filipino-American singer and television actress, once said, “You’re never too young for something you really want to do, never too young to go after your passion. The age doesn’t matter at all. If it’s something you want to do, it depends on your will.” Cuenca’s newest band, Lizamett, has...
Attendance of Carnaval holiday events show a stark contrast in cities in Ecuador’s sierra and on the coast. “This was expected given the national emergency and longer curfews in Guayaquil, Manta and other locations near the ocean,” said Tourism Ministry spokeswoman Tania Miller. “The fear of violence has kept some people home.” In Cuenca, an...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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