
By Samir Tounsi and David Salazar As Ecuador wages war against criminal gangs, experts warn that similar security crackdowns have produced mixed results elsewhere in Latin America — and sometimes even led to worse violence. President Daniel Noboa has deployed more than 22,000 soldiers to put down a campaign of terror launched by criminal gangs...
Residents of the Amazonian city of Shell say they will fight President Daniel Noboa’s plan to build a maximum-security prison in Pastaza Province. Noboa released design details of two new prisons on Friday, the second planned for Santa Elena Province. Rolando Morales, president of the Shell Parish Council, complained that the decision to build a...
By Mark Stevenson Mexico’s two main drug cartels have long taken their deadly rivalry with them as they expand into distant markets from Asia to Australia to Africa, but never before with such intensive street gang violence and a presidential declaration of a state of “internal armed conflict” this week in Ecuador. Gunmen from an...
In a Saturday night operation, Ecuador National Police and military troops rescued 133 hostages held for six days in seven national prisons. President Daniel Noboa announced the success of the operation in a short video message and said prisons in Azuay, Cañar, Esmeraldas, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, El Oro and Loja Provinces were back under government control....
Jeanne’s note: These are Periodicos for January 8 and 10. My apologies for sending them to the wrong group. So here are issues of outdated news.  Lunes, 8/1/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – 180 quebradas en Cuenca: 30 requieren obras (180 creeks/gullies/ ravines in Cuenca: 30 require work) – A study by GIZ, a German...
The Ministry of Energy announced Friday that electric service blackouts are suspended until March 1 but the Energy Minister said they will probably not resume. “The rains during the last five weeks have restored river levels and watersheds near our hydroelectric generation facilities and the predictions are that the rains will continue,” Energy Minister Andrea...
Archaeologists have uncovered a cluster of lost cities in the Amazon rainforest that was home to at least 10,000 farmers about 2,000 years ago. A series of earthen mounds and buried roads in Ecuador was first noticed more than two decades ago by archaeologist Stéphen Rostain. But at the time, “I wasn’t sure how it...
Viernes, 12/1/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Solidarios con militares (Solidarity with military) – Members of the Duran family in the Zhin Zhin barrio of Baños asked themselves how they could collaborate with police and military who were responding to the violence in Ecuador. One idea was to cook and deliver food. So on the...
President Daniel Noboa is asking the National Assembly to increase Ecuador’s value added tax from 12% to 15%. The VAT hike is necessary, he says, to fund the battle against organized crime and to reduce the budget deficit. Before debate begins, however, there is already significant opposition to the plan in the Assembly. Based on...
The government continues talks with inmates holding hostages in six prisons but says its patience is wearing thin. “If the people are not released very, very soon, we are prepared to take measures to rescue them,” President Daniel Noboa said Thursday. He added that additional military personnel have been sent to prisons under the control...
Most Cuenca businesses and government offices resumed their normal operations on Thursday following widespread closures on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. City and interprovincial buses and the tram were operating full schedules and hospitals dropped restrictions imposed on Tuesday. Like many business owners in the historic district, Diana Córdova’s jewelry store on Gran Colombia reopened to...
U.S. citizens travelling to or living in Colombia have been warned against using dating apps in the country after the “suspicious deaths” of eight Americans in two months. The U.S. embassy in Bogota said some victims were drugged and robbed after meeting people on these apps. The incidents occur most often in the cities of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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