
“The city lost its mind yesterday.” That’s the way University of Azuay psychology professor Ivan Iglesias described what happened Tuesday afternoon in Cuenca. Based on social media posts claiming criminal gangs were setting off explosions and that prisoners had escaped from the Trui prison, panic spread through the city. In El Centro, pedestrians rushed to...
Police and military personnel have arrested 329 alleged gang members since Tuesday, Armed Forces Chief Jaime Vela reported Wednesday afternoon. “These men are members of three terrorist organizations, Los Tiguerones, Los Lobos and Los Choneros,” he said, adding that operations “are just beginning.” In addition to the arrests of gang members, Vela said the joint...
By Emily Atkinson The Cuban government has announced a five-fold increase in fuel prices as it struggles with shortages and a deepening economic crisis. It said that from February the price of a litre of petrol would rise from from 25 pesos ($0.20; £0.16) to 132 pesos. The government, which subsidises many goods, hopes this...
Although calm has returned to Ecuador’s major cities, President Daniel Noboa said Wednesday that his campaign against criminal groups is just beginning. “Make no mistake, this is an armed conflict against terrorist groups and the fight will not end until we restore the peace,” he said. “This fight will continue through the 60-day national emergency...
The National Police command reported a “return of normality” for most of the country early Wednesday morning. “Most sectors did not experience elevated criminal activity overnight,” the command said in a statement. “There were several incidents in Quito and Guayaquil but these may not be connected to the criminal gang activity of Monday and Tuesday.”...
President Daniel Noboa has elevated the status of Monday’s national emergency, claiming the country has entered a state of internal armed conflict. The new decree authorizes deployment of the armed forces and National Police into the streets and other public areas to “neutralize criminals and terrorists.” Noboa’s original declaration, issued Monday afternoon, put the military...
By Pandora Dewan Plastic is everywhere, from the Arctic ice to human placenta. In fact, previous estimates suggest that the average person ingests a credit card-worth of microscopic plastic particles every week. But new research shows that this could actually be an understatement. Microplastics refer to any plastics that are smaller than 5 millimeters (0.2 inches)...
Three days after he was arrested, Los Lobos gang leader has escaped from prison in Riobamba. The escape came hours after President Daniel Noboa declared a national emergency following a series of prison riots on Monday. According to Riobamba prison management, the prison break followed a day of disturbances in which prisoners took over two...
Angered by President Daniel Noboa’s state of emergency declaration, criminal gang members set off explosions and burned cars in several cities, including Cuenca, on Monday night. In Quito and Machala, police officers were kidnapped. “This response was expected and we should be prepared for more,” said Government Communication Secretary Roberto Izurieta. “The uprisings in the...
In response to riots in at least five federal prisons on Monday, President Daniel Noboa has declared a 60-day state of emergency which includes an 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew. The emergency also suspends rights of household privacy and freedom on assembly. The declaration followed the escape of José Adolfo Macías, alias Fito, leader...
By John Fund The Covid-19 lockdowns that were imposed worldwide (with the exception of Sweden and a few other countries) ran contrary to the longtime conventional wisdom that the main responsibility of the public-health system in a pandemic is to keep people calm and society functioning. Our public-health officials did the opposite. Intentionally. The hysteria...
National Police Commander Cesar Zapata confirmed Sunday afternoon that the leader of the Los Choneros criminal gang may have escaped from the Guayaquil Regional Prison. José Adolfo Macías, alias Fito, was not in his cell when police entered the prison to transfer him and two other convicts to another facility. According to Attorney General Diana...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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